K780m stolen: Why are ambulances and relief services broke?

The story ' Ambulance Service running on empty funds tank' follows the lack of funding by the National Department of Health (NDoH). A budget of K11 million to fund the Ambulance Service, blind, blood, training, Gerehu hospital, Gordons clinic, Gaire and Tubuseria aid posts, which is being managed by the St John's Ambulance Service.

After a budget of K11 million was prepared it was noted that some of these care centres were scraped from the list for funding by NDoH. Even though, a sum of K300,000 was given to continue operations that only lasted for a month, which was fed into payment of employee salaries.

The question is why are we limiting funding and being selective on where and what health  or medical services are being funded. The point is for the service to reach those that need it. While organisations like St Johns cry for NDoH to rollout the money they need to provide these services and prioritise medical attention to Papua New Guinea people; we continue to suffer and lose lives from curable diseases, we still wait for a corrupt group who embazzeled K780 million of public money to be returned and for those wite colar crims to be prosected. 

While we wait, many more mothers and children, boys and men, will continue to struggle to reach a 50km stationed aid post or wait in vain for an ambulance to attend to them. Where is the free health?  you ask.

St John's is located in Boroko, Port Moresby, the capital city and even these ambulances aren't in operation because there are no funds for fuel. So what is to say about the  780 new medical Ambulances that could have been purchased, fully fueld and equipped for operation, or the 6, 210 rural aid posts, or the 10, 000 new mobile clinics that could have been built and resourced to provide quality healthcare to our people in need, if K780 million of peoples publics funds was not eaten by money hungry beaurecrats but deposited into public service. 

Would St John's budget of K11m be dismissed and questioned? St John's would have all their centres and ambulances running for 70 years (780/11), in full operation. How amazing would that be?

It's time to start thinking seriously! Think about others before we think about ourselves. Human beings are mammals that have two legs to support us up and two hands to uplift those who have fallen beside us!

It's time we acted upon the Recommendations of the Finance Commission of Inquiry. Prosecute those implicated! Recover the Money!