Gary Juffa: Respect, Honor and Discipline

With the death of historical and admirable leader, Lee Kuan Yew, we ask ourselves where did we go wrong if we were developed from a system of tradition, than forged into a falling system of corruption and development that only adds bulge to the pockets of the ellite few, in a struggle to encompass a neo colonial leadership? When infact we had a development system of our very own that proved sustainable and efficient for our populations. Juffa states here that we must be wise and elect leaders like Lee Kuan Yew who disseminate Respect, Honor and Disciplne within, that emits great potential to flourish in others.

Source: Gary Juffa

Recently a great visionary leader died...Lee Kuan Yiew who forged a third world swampy ghetto into a powerful new world economy in less the half a did he do this? Many reasons but I say compassionate, assertive and intelligent leadership...where did we go wrong? We can only guess..we are an intelligent but kind and easily fooled people...we do not posses the cunning required to survive brutal and hostile threats to our very existence over a long period of time...we abandoned our way of life instead of building on them...

Our traditional principles that ensured our survival, DISCIPLINE HONOR AND RESPECT..were discouraged by the naysayers and colonizers...we ourselves did not believe in ourselves...we invested in flawed systems that were designed to FAIL..forces unknown to us manipulated our efforts to ensure subservience to neo colonization and poor management of our resources...our future was designed for others...we marched in a confused state of misdirected effort...we became our own worst enemy...we established low standards and failed to meet them..we abandoned our well established systems of management and adopted a farce called democracy...not the true form of it...but an effigy..and in time we elected followers...not leaders..and thus, here we are....floundering still....our resources controlled by others..our future dark and bleak...our mindset still very much colonized...our leaders...still for a few ostrasized and starved of the means to do anything...our people increasingly diseducated..increasingly illiterate and thus ignorant of the ramifications of decisions made by unintelligent and inconsiderate elected politicians arrogantly squandering our opportunities...

Its not too we are wiser...more learned and cynical...we are burnt and have
we need to elect LEADERS...NOT FOLLOWERS...then we can dismantle the flawed system we have innocently and foolishly followed and build a firm system based on what ensured our survival for more then 50,000 years... RESPECT HONOR AND DISCIPLINE...