Tropical Gem get more insight on development of PNG

Tropical Gems leaders get informed on the development timeline of Papua New Guinea. Information is Knowledge and knowledge = Power!

The ACTNOW! PNG group through its community campaigns is running a 'story session' with the local Tropical Gem group in Madang Province which has kicked off on a great note. Sharing information about PNG's Development History and the development that many of us (Papua New Guinean's) have enlightend as unfair and a struggle for land owners on our own soil.

For many of the attendees that participated on day 1, this was all new and valuable information. It made them aware of what PNG history encompassed. The value and significance that our ancestral past entailed for our lives today. What development was like than and that we Melanesians lived a life that was developed enough for us, in tune with land and our natural surroundings.

Below are pictures of the outstanding attandance of almost 80 Tropical Gem members.

Picture: Tropical Gem 2nd group attending the 'story sessions'.

Picture: Tamara talking to a full room of participant