WNB villagers to take developer to court over SABL

From EMTV news

Failure to produce and implement a full Commission of Inquiry recommendation over the controversial Special Agricultural Business Leases (SABL’s) is causing distress for innocent landowning communities in rural areas.

The people of West Pomio in the East New Britain Province, are one among those facing the plight of losing their land and suffering ill treatment to their forests by foreign developers under SABL agreements.

Over fifteen communities in the areas have signed a petition to be presented to the provincial and national government asking that their land under this lease be given back to them.

In their petition, they had specifically asked the government to nullify and revoke the fraudulent SABL and return three specific portion of land acquired under the Lease.

Their growing concern stems from the prolonged and failed Commission of Inquiry into this issue since its commencement three years ago, aimed to address the fraudulent processes involved.

They said in their petition that persons representing them in entering the agreement have not properly consulted them of the 99 year leases.

Due to the remoteness and lack of respect by the developers and the impact of logging operation felt by them and on their environment, is hardly brought to light.

They said since these developers came in, there is hardly any infrastructure development and that the developers are only here to rip off PNG’s pristine forest leaving the land barren.

They are digging into their own pockets to pay for legal action fees over this plight.

The PNG Eco-Forestry Forum, when presented a copy of the petition expressed concerns over this plight and the excessive legal costs that these innocent villagers are sacrificing from their own pockets.

The Forum as a Forest advocate organization together with its members, in support of the call by the affected communities, are calling on Prime Minister Peter O’Neill to nullify all fraudulent SABLs and for land to be given back to the rightful customary landowners.