Either Prime Minister Peter O’Neill is deliberately lying or he has been seriously lied to by his advisors…
From PNGexposed blog
Prime Minister Peter O’Neill is either blatantly lying to the people of PNG over the SABL land grab, or he is being lied to by his own advisors.
The Prime Minister keeps repeating the same statement, that the SABL Commission of Inquiry recommended the SABL leases continue.
This is completely untrue – yet no one in the media or Parliament is challenging this blatant deception.
The Prime Minister said it in Parliament in September: “… the Commission has recommended that SABLs be continued” [1] UNTRUE
And he said it again in a statement released by his Department 10-days ago and published in both national daily newspapers, “… the Commission had recommended in the final report that the leases (SABLs) be continued” [2] UNTRUE and “… the commission had recommended in the report that the leases (SABLs) be continued” [3] UNTRUE
The Prime Minister is simply lying – as the Commission of Inquiry makes clear in its summary of the leases reviewed [4] – that summary is attached here: Summary – COI SABL
As everyone can see, the Commission of Inquiry has recommended
- 30 SABL leases be revoked
- 3 be suspended
- 2 be surrendered
- 4 be amended (and/or other remedy)
- 4 be retained
Another 3 of the 46 leases reviewed have already been revoked by the courts.
So you can see, the Prime Minister is LYING when he says the Commission has recommended the leases be continued. The CoI has recommended only 8 of 46 be continued (and 4 of those 8 need to be amended),
The Prime Minister was also LYING when he said in Parliament “We will no longer watch on as foreign owned companies come in and con our landowners, chop down our forests and then take the proceeds offshore”. [1]
That is exactly what IS happening and the Prime Minister, by refusing to revoke the leases, is allowing it to happen.
The Prime Minister also claims the government ‘will do all it can to take back land that is illegally taken away from Papua New Guineans’. [2][3]
Not true Prime Minister. If you were doing all you can you would instruct the Department of Lands to revoke the leases.
The only question is whether the Prime Minister is intentionally lying or whether he has been misled by the people who advise him.
Has the Prime Minister read the SABL Commission of Inquiry reports?
If he has then he is lying to the people of PNG.
If he has not, and he is relying on the word of his advisors then he should sack them because they are lying to him.
[1] http://www.actnowpng.org/content/prime-ministers-statement-parliament-sabl [2] http://www.actnowpng.org/content/government-lying-it-not-dealing-decisively-sabl-land-grab [3] http://www.thenational.com.pg/?q=node/60582 [4] http://www.coi.gov.pg/documents/COI%20SABL/Summary%20-%20COI%20SABL.pdf- Tim's blog
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