A long running battle between students and staff of Unitech continues against former Unitech chancellor Philip Stagg, former prochancellor Ralph Saulep, terminated unitech Professor Narayan Gehlot and highereducation minister David Arore.
The battle has revolved around the illegal deportation of Unitech vice chancellor Albert Schram, which happened suddenly and without notice after he and Unitech colleagues uncovered a K675,000 fraud of PIP monies involving professor Gehlot, former vice chancellor Misty Baloiloi, acting registrar Alan Sako and other unitech administrators. Baloiloi and Sako were at the time getting together funds for their ultimately unsuccessful 2012 political campaigns.
Ex-professor Gehlot was the front man and now enjoys the company of Minister Arore. It is Gehlot who, in complicity with Arore, convinced foreign affairs staff to block Shram's return twice, and then terminated his work visa without explanation. Two investigations have failed to find anything wrong with Shram, but uncovered a lion's den of corruption at Unitech.
The only causes given by the government, through minister Arore, for Shram's deportation and sacking, were the vague and unsubstantiated allegations that Albert Schram as a threat to national security and was causing instability at Unitech.
As Keith Jackson remarks on PNG Attitude, "it says a lot about PNG today that, instead of being regarded as a hero for trying to clean up the mess he inherited, the vice-chancellor was subjected to a malign whispering campaign and then to the covert exercise of power that reached to the very top of the political process."
Please join hands with those at Unitech who are fighting to bring back Albert Schram and determined that his case will be heard by the greater world as necessary.
Click on the following link to sign a petition to prime minister Peter O’Neill to reinstate Dr Schram: http://bit.ly/1abFGOH
Click on the link below to sign a petition demanding the step down of higher education minister Arore, whose association with ex-professor Gehlot represents a clear conflict of interest and whose overall handling of this matter has left so much to be desired.