Once the land is gone: A poem about land

By Maua Faleauto of Samoa

"Once the land is gone Sa Moa Sa Yoo nara"
A mamulu ese atu loa fanua Samoa-Sa Moa Tofa Soifua

Once the land is gone there will be no Sa Moa,
A mamulu ese atu loa fanua Samoa o le a leai foi ma se Sa Moa

Once the land is gone there will be no temple to the Ancestors,
A mamulu ese atu loa fanua Samoa o le a leai foi se malumalu o augatama

Once the land is gone there will be no link between the Ancestors and the Unborn,
A mamulu ese atu loa fanua Samoa o le a leai se sootaga o augatama ma i latou e lei fananau mai

Once the land is gone there will be no free water or fruit or bread,
A mamulu ese atu loa fanua Samoa o le a leai se vai maua poo se fualaau poo se falaoa foi

Once the land is gone there will be no freedom for all must work to eat,
A mamulu ese atu loa fanua Samoa o le a leai se saolotoga aua o le a galulue uma tagata mo meaai

Once the land is gone the flying foxes will have trees and the turtles the sea
A mamulu ese atu loa fanua Samoa o le a iai pea laau mo pea faapea le sami mo laumei

But there will be no place for the children of Sa Moa to lay their heads without paying rent even in death,
Ae o fanau a Samoa o le a leai se mea e momoe ai ae o le a nofo totogi seia oo i le oti

Once the land is gone there will be no sleeping under a tree it will be unlawful,
A mamulu ese atu loa fanua Samoa o le a le mafai ona momoe nisi i lalo o laau ona o le a faasaina

Once the land is gone there will be no gafa,
A mamulu ese atu loa fanua Samoa o le a le toe iai ni gafa

Once the land is gone there will be no faalupega,
A mamulu ese atu loa fanua Samoa o le a le toe iai ni faalupega

Once the land is gone there will be no matai,
A mamulu ese atu loa fanua Samoa o le a le toe iai ni matai

Once the land is gone there will be no power in the people,
A mamulu ese atu loa fanua Samoa o le a le toe iai se pule i tagata o Samoa

Once the land is gone there will be no innocence,
A mamulu ese atu loa fanua Samoa o le a le toe iai se amio tonu

Once the land is gone there will be no pride among our people
A mamulu ese atu loa fanua Samoa o le a le toe iai se mitamitag i o tatou tagata

Once the land is gone there will be no respect among our people,
A mamulu ese atu loa fanua Samoa o le a le toe iai se va fealoaloai i o tatou tagata

They will deny they are Sa Moa,
O le a faafitia e tagata Samoa e le o i latou o ni Samoa

Once the land is gone "Sa Yoo nara.."
A mamulu ese atu loa fanua Samoa Tofa Soifua