SABL Campaign Updates

Advocate: Return land titles

By Grace Auka Salmang, Post Courier








FOR development to be fully recognised in Papua New Guinea, it must be initiated and collectively agreed by the landowner themselves, says John Chitoa from the Bismarck Ramu group.

"We are therefore demanding that the PNG government cancel all SABLs and return the titles to their customary landowners.

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Land grab shock

Almost one third of customary land taken by foreign companies

By Grace Auka Salmang, Post Courier







PAPUA New Guinea is the latest victim in a modern era of land grabs orchestrated by foreign corporations, an investigative report and a film reveal.

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Youths protest logging in SABL area

Youths arrested for stopping logging on conservation area

By Grace Tiden, Post Courier

Twelve youths from Bairaman in the Ralopal Concession area under the Sigete/Mukus Special Agriculture and Business Lease (SABL) Project Site in East New Britain have been arrested and charged for allegedly threatening logging company workers.

The 12 men have appeared for mention at the Kokopo District and were supposed to appear again yesterday for hearing to commence but the case was deferred to a later date.

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Papua New Guinea losing independence: Investigation blames modern land grab

Papua New Guinea (PNG) is the latest known victim in a modern era of land grabs orchestrated by foreign corporations according to an investigative report and a film, On Our Land, released today by the Oakland Institute and the Pacific Network on Globalisation (PANG) on behalf of PNG partners Act Now! and Birmarck Ramu Group.

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Indigenous people, not Australians, should determine Vanuatu's future

Source: Joel Simo* writing in the Sydney Morning Herald

To visiting Australians, my home, the island nation of Vanuatu, is either paradise or a Third World backwater. Holidaymakers prize our beaches and clear waters. But workers from aid organisations such as AusAID see limited employment opportunities and poverty.

Both groups have ideas for "improving" Vanuatu through holiday homes, tourism and a commercial track to "development", including the establishment of Western-style property rights.

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Papua New Guinea Tribes Under Threat from Conflict Palm Oil

By Laurel Sutherlin / Rainforest Action Network

The Indigenous communities of Collingwood Bay, Papua New Guinea are engaged in a high stakes battle to defend their land and culture from the threat of Conflict Palm Oil expansion and they have a quick and easy request for help right now.

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Government response on SABL grab is weak and inadequate

Community advocacy group ACT NOW! says the Prime Minister's response to the huge illegal SABL grab is weak and inadequate.

The government has announced a ministerial committee to review the recommendations and findings of a Commission of Inquiry into Special Agriculture and Business Leases but has done nothing to cancel the fraudulent leases or stop the illegal logging in leases areas.

The government says the review will be executed by the Department of Lands, National Forest Authority and Department of Agriculture.

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PNG govt appoints committee to review SABL recommendations

Radio New Zealand

Papua New Guinea’s government has appointed a ministerial committee to review the recommendations and findings by the Commission of Inquiry into the Special Agriculture and Business Leases.

The Prime Minister Peter O’Neill, speaking on Radio FM100, said the committee has been given two months to complete a review.

He said Government agencies such as the Department of Lands and Physical Planning, Forestry, and the Department of Agriculture and Livestock will execute the review.

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