SABL Campaign Updates

Two Years: Still no land returned

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SABL reports 'misleading'

Source: The National

THE Commissioner of Inquiry (CoI) into the Special Agriculture Business Leases (SABL) has denied claims that it had not delivered its final report to the government.

CoI chairman John Numapo said a report in The National yesterday was misleading.

He said the final report was completed in June and presented to the Chief Secretary to Government, Sir Manasupe Zurenuoc, in early July.

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Long wait for full SABL report

Editorial - The National

WHAT has become of the final report of the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into the Special Agricultural Business Leases (SABL)?

That is the K15 million-question on the minds of many citizens, especially the customary landowners who have been affected by the SABL and are eagerly awaiting the final report.

Since Prime Minister Peter O’Neill summonsed the three commissioners earlier this year to explain the incomplete report, nothing has been heard of.

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Eco-Forestry Forum: Speed up report

By Junior Ukaha

The PNG Eco-Forestry Forum (PNGEFF) wants the Government to speed up the report of an inquiry into the special agricultural business leases (SABL).

PNGEFF communications manager Samson Mark yesterday said affected landowners and the general public wanted to know the status of the inquiry as it has taken more than two years to have a final report ready.

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Complete SABL inquiry report

Post Courier Editorial

THE revelations from research by the James Cook University on oil palm being used by developers as a cover for logging should not come as a surprise to Papua New Guineans.

The controversy relating to the Government’s Special Agriculture and Business Lease (SABL) is well documented in PNG, compelling the government of then acting Prime Minister Sam Abal in 2011 and a year later PM Peter O’Neill to support and establish a commission of inquiry.

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Over one thousand email the PM asking for SABL report

ACT NOW! Media Release

Prime Minister Peter O'Neill has received over 1,000 emails over the last two weeks calling on him to publish the SABL land grab Commission of Inquiry Report.

The emails have come from all four corners of the globe, reflecting world-wide concern about the land grab in PNG which has seen rights to over 5 million hectares of customary land given to foreign companies.

The emails have been organized by community advocacy group ACT NOW!

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Court rules fraud in SABL lease

By Charles Moi

A JUDGE has ruled that there was “a case of fraud” when a former government minister wrongfully leased out land under the Special Agricultural and Business Lease.

Justice David Cannings ruled that former Minister for Lands and Physical Planning Lukas Dekena had wrongfully granted a 99-year lease over a 8.51 hectares block of land at Taurama Valley, in the National Capital District, to Ava Mika, Kila Gabutu and Michael John Madi on June 25, 2010.

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Help demand justice for communities robbed in huge illegal land grab

Your help is needed now for communities across Papua New Guinea who are still waiting for justice in one of our planets largest illegal land grabs.

Take action:

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SABLs fueling log exports

One-third of PNG log exports - I million cubic metres - coming from disputed and controversial SABL areas...

Land owners not consulted on PNG log exports

ABC Radio Australia

Up to one third of Papua New Guinea's log exports may have been made without the consent from land owners.

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