SABL Campaign Updates

SABL Case Study No.6: Turubu and Sepik Oil Palm Plantations

From PNGexposed blog

SABL Commission of Inquiry Report 2: Pages 822-865

“The Land Investigation Report was flawed because it failed to ascertain the majority consent of the whole landgroups [sic]…” [p864]

SOPPL is a foreign owned company… is not IPA compliant… does not have the managerial, nor the capacity to undertake large scale agriculture activity and is a logging company”. [p865]

“The soil is not suitable for oil palm estate” [p865]

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Interview — Violent corporate land grabbing in Papua New Guinea

Free City Radio |

An interview with Frédéric Mousseau from the Oakland Institute, which recently released a report On Our Land: Modern Land Grabs Reversing Independence in Papua New Guinea.

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SABL Case Study No.5: Belden Namah and Bewani Palm Oil Limited

From PNGexposed blog

SABL Commission of Inquiry Report 1: Pages 125-143

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SABL Case Study 4: Department of Lands corrupt and incompetent

From PNGexposed blog

“With corrupt government officials from implementing agencies riding shotgun for them, opportunistic loggers masquerading as agro-forestry developers are prowling our countryside, scoping opportunities to take advantage of gullible landowners and desperate for cash clan leaders.” [Report 1 p242]

SABL Commission of Inquiry Reports 1 and 2

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SABL Case Study No.3: Tutuman and the Danfu Extension

From PNGExposed blog

SABL Commission of Inquiry Report 2: Pages 359-384

“The C.O.I recommends that SABL Portion 817C be revoked on the basis that the integrity of the Lands Group Registration process and the Land Investigation process fundamental to good title was flawed and must be nullified” [p382]

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Foreign companies grabbing one-third of our land

Post Courier


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Government lying: It is NOT dealing decisively with SABL land grab

The government is misleading the people with claims in todays newspapers it is decisively dealing with the recommendations of the SABL land grab [see below].

The TRUTH is the Prime Minister has IGNORED the Commission of Inquiry recommendation that 38 of 42 leases be REVOKED and the land returned to customary landowners.

The Commission found the SABL leases were unlawful and void but the government is leaving the land in the hands of foreign logging companies who have colluded with government officials to defraud customary landowners.

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SABL Case Study No.2: Victory Plantations and Edward Studdy

From PNGexposed blog

SABL Commission of Inquiry Report 1: Pages 198-206

“We found serious flaws and irregularities in the granting of the SABL… Not all the landowners gave their consent to lease out their land… the whole SABL [is] defective and therefore, null and void” [p204]

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