Model of Development Campaign Updates

Government Has Failed Over Cancellation of Illegal SABL Leases

Nine years after a Commission of Inquiry exposed the huge illegal SABL land grab, government efforts to cancel the leases have completely failed.

Last week Lands Minister, John Rosso, told Parliament that of seventy SABL leases recommended to be be cancelled only twenty have so far been rescinded. 

Just twenty leases cancelled over a nine year period is frankly pathetic.

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Sepik River communities file human rights complaint against PanAust over proposed Gold-Copper mine.


Sepik River communities file human rights complaints against Australian company PanAust over its proposed Gold-Copper mine.

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Governor rails against ‘bioterrorists,’ ‘carbon cowboys’ destroying PNG’s forests

Source: Mongabay Rachel Donald  (7 December 2021)

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How commercial banks have supported PNG’s destructive logging boom

Commercial banks operating in Papua New Guinea have given at least K300 million (AU$144 million) in available credit, since 2000, to the country’s five largest exporters of tropical logs, according to a new report, The Money Behind the Chainsaws, from Act Now! and Jubilee Australia Research Centre. 

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Civil Society Petitions Parliament to Stop Illegal Logging

The following petition was presented on the floor of Parliament by the Hon. Gary Juffa, Governor for Oro Province on November 24, 2021


The humble petition of the civil societies of Papua New Guinea, respectively showeth;

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Student Association Gets Awareness Support from ACT NOW!

(Photo courtesy: UPNG Abau Student Association)

It is a great pleasure as an organization to be part of the incredible initiative by the Abau Student Association group from the University of Papua New Guinea this year on their  Advocacy Year-End Awareness Trip.

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True Zero Emission needed: Groups

NEWS | Nogat Coal

Loop PNG

The Nogat Coal Alliance and the Evangelical Luthern Church of PNG are calling on Mayur Resource to halt its coal plans for PNG. 

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Human rights abuses and bribery taint palm oil produced in Papua New Guinea

Global Witness

A two-year investigation shines a light on palm oil in Papua New Guinea, the notorious industry’s newest frontier. It reveals a litany of human rights abuses and the wide-scale destruction of tens of thousands of hectares of climate-critical rainforest, linked to major financial institutions including BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager.

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Logging and Forest Loss in Papua New Guinea

Download this article as a PDF - Logging and Forest Loss

The forests of Papua New Guinea perform a range of vital functions, supporting communities, ecosystems and the planet as a whole. Despite this, they remain under threat from unsustainable and often illegal logging by foreign logging companies.

The value of Papua New Guinea’s forests

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