Forest Crime Campaign Updates

Consider the Environment

PC: Janelle Lugg (Getty_PNG Pomio) 

John Maine | The National | Letters | 1.08.2023

Papua New Guinea is blessed with a beautiful landmass with a wide range of virgin rainforest covering thousands of square kilometers. 

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Open Letter to the Prime Minister on log exports and downstream processing

This is the text of an Open Letter to the Prime Minister published by ACT NOW in the Post Courier newspaper.

Dear Prime Minister,

ACT NOW! is an advocacy organization that promotes a “gut pela sindaun blong olgeta” – a just and equitable society for all Papua New Guineans.

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Lending companies providing millions to companies involved in destructive rainforest logging

In the last eight years, two finance companies and one equipment retailer have provided financing to at least 15 companies that are logging in PNG’s rainforests, new research by Act Now! and Jubilee Australia reveals. 

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Landowners 'conned into giving land away'

Ramu BlocK 3 FMA. Source: Facebook.

The National | Letters | By Maus blo Garamut, Madang (May 4th 2023)

SINCE last year, the Papua New Guinea Forest Authority’s (PNGFA) Project Acquisition branch has been working to acquire forest areas in Madang and around the country.

And in this process, the rights of the landowner have been trampled on.

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Log Export Volume Increase Despite Prime Minister's Log Ban Promises

The recently released 2022 SGS report regarding log exports in Papua New Guinea largely contradicts the Marape Government’s pledge to reduce round log exports and cease the issuing of new licenses to foreign owned logging companies.

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Four linked companies - Cakara Alam (PNG) Ltd, Sumber Alam (PNG) Limited. Tzen Pacific Limited and Tzen Resource Limited - were together responsible for exporting 634954 m3 of logs during 2019-2021 from eight concessions in West New Britain Provinces and the Hawain Concession in East Sepik Province. Caraka Alam (PNG) Ltd and Sumber Alam (PNG) Limited are owned by Malaysian company C.A Investments Limited, which is registered in Lanuam, a tax haven. 

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PNG's Timber Barons: #4 - Vanimo Jaya Cluster

Vanimo Jaya Cluster (From"The New Timber Baron Report")

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Landowners say Forest Authority acting suspiciously

Landowners from the Ramu Block 3 area of Madang Province have accused the PNG Forest Authority of ignoring their wishes in allocating logging rights over their forests.

The landowners say the PNGFA has refused to hand over key documents for their inspection and they are suspicious about what the Forest Authority is trying to hide. The landowners also say the PNGFA has ignored a formal petition submitted by the group (copied below).

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PNG's Timber Barons: # 3 The Rimbunan Hijau Group

Rimbunan Hijau (RH) Group (From"The New Timber Baron Report")

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Moratorium on new FCAs a step in the right direction

A moratorium on new Forest Clearance Authorities, recently announced by the PNG Forest Authority, has been welcomed by community advocacy organization ACT NOW, but the group says the measure does not go far enough.

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