Where's the Beef? The Wasu Cattle Farm Project

The Wasu Cattle Farm Project in Morobe Province has been the subject of investigation due to concerns about its legality. This project, also known as the Wasu Integrated Agriculture Project, received a Forest Clearing Authority (FCA) in 2019. It was ostensibly granted for a cattle farming project, but there have been no signs of either cattle or agriculture.

Instead, the project has been exporting logs since 2021, generating over US$4.5 million (15.6 million kina) in log export revenue for the Malaysian-owned company Wasu Resource Limited. This group includes Malaysian-owned companies Lucky Logging Limited and Lucky 99 (PNG) Limited.

Landowner representatives from the project area have reported that they haven’t observed any evidence of agricultural or cattle-related activities within the Wasu FCA.  The case study raises serious questions about the project’s legitimacy and highlights concerns with the way FCAs are granted and managed in Papua New Guinea.

Livestock Development Corporation Managing Director Terry Koim has confirmed in today’s Post Courier (29/05/2024) reporting (attached) that LDC is not aware of Wasu Cattle Project.

This further confirms that Forest Clearance Authorities License are being routinely abused by logging companies to export round logs with no evidence of plantations or promised agriculture projects.

The situation raises concerns about transparency, accountability, and the true purpose of the project.

Question is, is PNG Forest Authority aware of this?

Where's the Beef? The Wasu ‘Cattle Farm’ Project is third in a series of investigative reports into the abuse of Forest Clearance Authorities by community advocacy group Act Now.  This case study looks at the Wasu Cattle Farm project in Morobe Province and raises serious questions about the project’s legality.