Customary Land Campaign Updates

Further evidence of abuse of FCAs

The unlawful use of Forest Clearing Authorities as a cover for illegal large-scale logging operations by foreign-owned companies has been further exposed in a new report published by ACT NOW! 

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Don't Be Fooled - Understanding the Forest Language

To truly understand the forest sector in Papua New Guinea, one must carefully study the Forest Act and understand the language used, “forestry language”. 

Landowners who are planning to bring in a logging company or large-scale agriculture company to clear their forest must make it their business to learn the forestry language. 

This is to avoid the company and representatives of the PNG Forest Authority misleading the landowners into easily giving away their land in return for the false promises and benefits that will not be delivered as has been the case over the years.

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New Report: Timber Legality Risk Assessment for PNG

New addendum added below on 20 November 2023

There is a very high risk that almost all logging occurring in natural forest areas in Papua New Guinea is illegal.

This is the damning verdict in a new Timber Legality Risk Assessment published ACT NOW!

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Why the Morobe Forest Industrial Park is a Dubious Development Proposal


Morobe Timber Consortium and people from Labuta (Image: EMTV)

By Nalau Bingading, Customary Landowner and Forest Scientist

Morobe Timbers Consortium Limited has attracted a lot of media recently with claims it has reached some kind of agreement with Wagangluhu landowners of Labuta LLG in the Morobe Province, to set up a Forest Industrial Park on 2,000 hectares of customary land. 

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Log Export Volumes Not Meeting Govt Reduction Targets

Papua New Guinea’s log export volumes are too high and the Forest Authority is failing to comply with the government’s reduction targets. This is according to the analysis of official data published. 

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NEW REPORT: Ten Years Without a Crop: The Wammy Rural Development Project

Forest Clearing Authorities are being unlawfully used to facilitate large-scale logging operations by foreign-owned logging companies according to a new report published today by ACT NOW!, in collaboration with Jubilee Australia Research Centre. 

The new report, which focuses on the Wammy logging operation in West Sepik Province, reveals how a Malaysian logging company has used a Forest Clearing Authority (FCA), intended to allow land clearing for agriculture or other land use projects, as a front to export hundreds of thousands of cubic metres of round logs. 

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Value of Men is more than Gold

Cyril Gare| The National | Letters | 24.07.2023

What is the value of man to that of gold?  Likewise, what is the value of people to that of Pogera Mine?

Wisdom is needed if answers are to be found. Without wisdom is curse.

Careful with those who curse or have cursed for they are blinded by the value of gold over men.

We must judge by humanity with a good heart. Value the whole man, and not merely a part. Value his soul as well as his body.

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Agriculture can tackle law and order issues.

Phillip Ukuni| The National | Letters | 24.08.2023

Agriculture way forward to minimize law and order issues.

The above heading is one of the dailies by the Agriculture Minister during his recent visit to East New Britain to carry awareness on the coca and cocoa production hosted by Coca Board of Papua New Guinea is spot on in addressing lawlessness, unemployment, economic well-being and prosperity for our citizens.

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Consider the Environment

PC: Janelle Lugg (Getty_PNG Pomio) 

John Maine | The National | Letters | 1.08.2023

Papua New Guinea is blessed with a beautiful landmass with a wide range of virgin rainforest covering thousands of square kilometers. 

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Open Letter to the Prime Minister on log exports and downstream processing

This is the text of an Open Letter to the Prime Minister published by ACT NOW in the Post Courier newspaper.

Dear Prime Minister,

ACT NOW! is an advocacy organization that promotes a “gut pela sindaun blong olgeta” – a just and equitable society for all Papua New Guineans.

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