Tim's blog

Wenda: I want to be free like you

By Martyn Namorong (Namorong Report)

“I want to be free like you, with my people,” says West Papuan Independence Leader, Benny Wenda. Dressed in his trademark tribal headdress, Wenda addressed journalists at a press conference held in Port Mort Moresby. He is in PNG to set up the PNG Chapter of the global Free West Papua Movement.

Self-sufficiency is key to building stronger Pacific Island communities

International Federation of Red Cross Societies

Twelve Red Cross National Societies from the Pacific Islands convened today in Sydney, Australia. The discussions focused on developing resilient National Societies and local communities, as well as a Pacific Islands viewpoint for the post-2015 Millennium Development Goals.

ICAC must be free from politics to succeed

By Grace Auka Salmang (Post Courier)

THE National Research Institute (NRI) held an interactive forum on the proposed Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) Bill in Port Moresby yesterday before it is tabled in Parliament next week.

The Ombudsman Commission, being a stakeholder and team member of the forum, commented and agreed on the proposed establishment of ICAC, emphasising what roles and functions the ICAC should have.

Government response on SABL grab is weak and inadequate

Community advocacy group ACT NOW! says the Prime Minister's response to the huge illegal SABL grab is weak and inadequate.

The government has announced a ministerial committee to review the recommendations and findings of a Commission of Inquiry into Special Agriculture and Business Leases but has done nothing to cancel the fraudulent leases or stop the illegal logging in leases areas.

The government says the review will be executed by the Department of Lands, National Forest Authority and Department of Agriculture.

PNG govt appoints committee to review SABL recommendations

Radio New Zealand

Papua New Guinea’s government has appointed a ministerial committee to review the recommendations and findings by the Commission of Inquiry into the Special Agriculture and Business Leases.

The Prime Minister Peter O’Neill, speaking on Radio FM100, said the committee has been given two months to complete a review.

He said Government agencies such as the Department of Lands and Physical Planning, Forestry, and the Department of Agriculture and Livestock will execute the review.

New YouTube animation highlights experimental seabed mining risks for the Pacific region

ACT NOW!, Bismarck Ramu Group, Pacific Network on Globilization

A new animated cartoon released on YouTube highlights the high risks of experimental seabed mining for the Pacific region.

View the video at www.actnowpng.org or on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHPaFKw_oLQ

MPs and Political Parties failure to provide Financial Returns: A Sign of Institutional Weakness?

Gande James* | NRI Commentary

The Office of the Registrar of Political Parties and Candidates has finally decided to take a tough stand by referring 23 elected Members of Parliament (MPs) to the PNG Ombudsman Commission. The MPs failed after several notices were issued to submit their financial returns within three months after the date they were declared successful and the return of writs.