
TIPNG Reveals Data Collection On Corruption

Source: PNG Facts

Transparency International Papua New Guina (TIPNG) has revealed that INDIVIDUAL CITIZENS who entertain CORRUPT practises within their officers and schools remain the BIGGEST impediments towards DEVELOPMENT at all levels. 

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Tropical Gem get more insight on development of PNG

Tropical Gems leaders get informed on the development timeline of Papua New Guinea. Information is Knowledge and knowledge = Power!

The ACTNOW! PNG group through its community campaigns is running a 'story session' with the local Tropical Gem group in Madang Province which has kicked off on a great note. Sharing information about PNG's Development History and the development that many of us (Papua New Guinean's) have enlightend as unfair and a struggle for land owners on our own soil.

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Landowners call for transparency and fairness after SABL experience

Turubu villagers attending a landowner forum conducted last Friday. Photo by Jimmy Kalebe


Majority of the landowners along the Turubu East Coast in Wewak last week Friday declared to support developments that satisfy all requirements of establishment.

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Firm defends settlers

No free gift is ever free!.....I wonder why the Paraka lawyers have ventured into a pro-bono on land this in some way a good deed trying to blanket the theft of peoples money in the Paraka saga? Hmmmm....

Picture: Paul Paraka adressing a crowd at Six Mile market

Source: Post Courier

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Judge slams Lands department corruption and calls for police action

Judge puts the law into practise and corrects corruption doers especially in the Lands Department and is adament that the police look into cases of corrupt land deals. It's about 'bloody' time! RUN the talk, we've been walking far too long!

Photo: Judge Ambeng Kandakasi. Photo courtesy of PNGLoop

Source: PNG Exposed

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ACTNOW: 5th Anniversary of the publication of the Finance Inquiry

Source: EMTV online

There was a cake, muffins, balloons and a birthday song. But, the occasion was far from a joyous one. This is an effort by Act NOW PNG to bring back attention to an issue that seems to have been forgotten.

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What is Development?

Are we really aware of the development we continue to 'so vividly' accept. What is the model of development Papua New Guinea should be growing by? the jay-walking ends now and today we choose to walk with direction.

Source: Kevin J. Barr

January, 2012

Development and Modernisation

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EMTV news edited to remove corruption story embarrassing to the government

Source: PNG Exposed 

Last Thursday, the 5th of March, EM TV featured on its primetime 6pm television news bulletin a story about the massive K780 million Finance Department fraud.

Thursday was the fifth anniversary of the tabling of a Commission of Inquiry report into the fraud.

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Basil: Finance Enquiry Anniversary Is Sad

Deputy Opposition Leader Sam Basil speaks out about re-couping the K780 million that was stolen and those implicated prosecuted as it is sad that after 5years nothing has been done and no one prosecuted yet!

Source: Papua New Guinea Today

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Mandi Tumarau Road Development

Source: Jimmy Kalebe

Mandi to Tumarau road in Turubu local level government area in East Sepik Province is currently given a facelift of K1.9 million.

Thanks to Minister for Correctional Services and Member for Wewak Open Jim B Simatab with counter funding from provincial and the national government to see this vital service reaching the people.

The road which connects more than 5,000 people was built in the early 1980s and has never been upgraded or maintained ever since.

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