
Will EITI improve mining outcomes - or is it just more corporate greenwashing?

The mine pit, Ok Tedi, PNG

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ABG considering large scale mining on Bougainville

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'Catastrophic' impact as Barrick sells assets

Source: The Australian Mining Review

BARRICK Gold has been hit by allegations of “irreparable” social, economic and environmental change as it flags intentions to offload a majority stake in the iconic Porgera mine, north-western Papua New Guinea (PNG).

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Gary Juffa: Respect, Honor and Discipline

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British to cash in on experimental seabed mining in PNG

It might contravene the human rights of local people; it might risk destroying unique eco-systems. traditional customs and indigenous livelihoods; it might breach the international Precautionary Principle; but none of that concerns Rolls-Royce and its greedy shareholders...


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Leaders use their disgust of misuse of funds and corruption to empower change in their communities

More than eighty members from the local group Tropical Gem in Madang attended a ‘story session’ capacitating the depth of Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) Development History Model dating back 50, 000 years ago.

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Civil Society denounces World Bank's conference on land & poverty

They may think that they have the perfect solutions to con us and take/use our customarily owned land but we will not remain fools. Whose interest is the World Bank serving ? becuase we now know from past experiences that they defiantly don't have our (grassroot people) interest at hand. We dont want your money making ventures and your banks so you can keep your suits and your policies and we'll keep and manage our land!

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Ioro people fed up with contentious mining debate on Bougainville


Source: Bougainville Special Correspondent via PNG Minewatch

The Ioro constituency covers the entire Panguna area and has its administrative borders at Kieta, Bana and Torokina. On a recent occasion a few weeks ago, chiefs, clan leaders, and other respected leaders and public servants in Ioro convened in a rare event to look at potential leaders who will represent them.

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Finance Department Commission of Inquiry 5th Birthday Bash hosted by Act NOW!

March 5th 2015 marked 5 years since the Finance Department Commissiob of Inquiry Report was tabled in Parliament. Up until now, this report has not been implemented. The report shows 58 pubic servants, lawyers and bureaucrats were implicated and yet nothing has been done to arrest them or recover the stolen K780 million. These thieves are freely living high both in PNG and abroad on the expanse of tax payers hard earned money.

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Sovereign Wealth Fund: Get involved and have your say

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