
Call for Forest Authority to ban tax evading logging companies

By Eddie Tanago, ACT NOW! Campaign Manager

The Forest Authority must stop aiding and abetting logging companies identified by the IRC as defrauding the State and landowners by evading taxes and must prevent them accessing even more areas of forest to feed their criminal activities.

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Time to Jail Timber Crooks and to Nationalise Assets

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IRC adds more financial crimes to logging companies’ charge sheet

Papua New Guinea’s Internal Revenue Commission says the logging industry is “one of the most delinquent sectors insofar as tax compliance is concerned“.

The logging companies are guilty of “egregious” transfer pricing, “entrenched” tax evasion and “deceptive behaviour” says the IRC (see the full IRC statements below).

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TV advert celebrates importance of customary land

The value and importance of customary land in supporting the lives and livelihoods of most Papua New Guinean’s is being celebrated in a new television advertising campaign launched by ACT NOW!

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DSTP proposed for the Huon Gulf is problematic 

White, sandy beach at Busamang village in Salamaua LLG area, a natural property of the peoples that can be utilized for ecotourism business. 

By Wakang Awasa Luthou / For and on behalf of the coastal stakeholders of Wafi-Golpu mine 

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SABL decisions beginning to really bite local communities

An arieal view of forest clearance for oil palm planting in West Pomio

By Paul Pavol

The people of West Pomio in East New Britain Province lost most of their land and forest under the controversial, government-backed, Special Agriculture Business Lease scheme. 

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No benefits from 50 years of logging in Madang

By Rex Sos

Heavy logging activity has been going on in Madang Province for the last 50 years.

Some 500,000 hectares of forest have been harvested and unique eco systems destroyed under the name of logging. 

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Global Brands Back Moratorium on Seabed Mining

Source: Pacifik Environews

Four leading global companies have announced their support for a global moratorium on deep seabed mining. Initiated by BMW Group and WWF, and signed by Samsung SDI, Google and Volvo Group, the companies join the increasing chorus of concern about the significant risks to economies and to ocean health that would arise from opening up the seabed to extraction of minerals.

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COVID catering scandal highlights govt failure to publish reports

Eddie Tanago, Campaign Manager

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Pacific call for global ban on deep sea mining

Source: Radio New Zealand

A widespread Pacific civil society call for a global ban on deep sea mining activity has been launched.

The Pacific Regional NGO Alliance of church and civil society groups kickstarted their campaign to stop deep sea mining yesterday in Fiji.

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