ACTNOW's blog

Time to Root Out the Rot in PNG Logging

Editorial: Post Courier August 25th 2020

Last week we applauded the government efforts through a joint effort that uncovered illegal workers and unregistered equipment in a logging operation in PNG’s Northern Province.

In fact, our exact phrase was to urge the PNG Government to “deal decisively with foreigners who do not respect our laws”.

The Impact of COVID- 19 on Papua New Guinea's Urban Poor

By Cathy Tukne

On the eve of the national State of Emergency (SOE) shut down, little did informal vendors know how this sudden decision would snap their daily livelihoods.  While the SOE was a crucial measure to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the restrictions imposed had a devastating impact on the majority of urban people whose livelihoods are strongly linked to informal economic activities.

Promised ICAC will not be Independent

The proposed Independent Commission Against Corruption will not be free from possible political interference under the terms of the draft Bill currently before Parliament.

The Prime Minister will Chair and the Leader of the Opposition will be a member of the committee that appoints both the Commissioners and the members of the Oversight Committee that will constantly review the operations, functions and powers of the ICAC.

In a Post-COVID World Govt Must Drop Plans For Bankable Customary Land 

Date: 2 July 2020

With the COVID-19 pandemic still expanding across the globe, ACT NOW is urging the PNG government to drop its plans to put customary land into the hands of commercial banks.

The COVID-19 crisis has demonstrated once again that customary land is a vital and irreplaceable resource for our families and communities.

Papua New Guinea chiefs call for halt to plan for country's largest ever mine

Source: The Guardian, 18 June 2020

'Locals say the Sepik river region must be protected from ‘exploitation and destruction from outsiders’'

Locals protest against mine at PNG’s Sepik river region. Photograph: Project Sepik

Chiefs from 28 haus tambarans – “spirit houses” – representing 78,000 people along Papua New Guinea’s remote Sepik river have formally declared they want a proposal for the country’s largest ever mine halted.

Marape has failed to tackle chronic corruption

Ten months after taking power the government of James Marape has completely failed to deliver on its promises to tackle Papua New Guinea’s chronic corruption.

James Marape was elected as Prime Minister on the back of a growing wave of discontent over political corruption and the misuse of public funds and the initial signs from the new government were promising.