rait man's blog

Landowners not happy with Turubu oil palm SABL

Martyn Namorong

Landowners from the Turubu and Saussi areas have submitted sworn affidavits to the Commission of Inquiry through their lawyer, Mr. Hubert Wali. These villagers are affected by the Sepik Oil Palm Project, Portion 144C COMMONLY REFFERED TO AS THE Turubu Oil Palm Project.

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Landowner company was de-registered when it received lease

Martyn Namorong

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Police to probe intimidation of PNG inquiry commissioner

Jemima Garrett

A Commission of Inquiry into disputed land leases in Papua New Guinea has referred executives of a land holding company to the police, after an incident of alleged intimidation against Commissioner, Nicholas Mirou.

Commissioner Nicholas Mirou referred four executives of Limoa Holdings, including its chairman Francis Yabarasa to police after an incident at the company's nursery site at Turubu in East Sepik province earlier this week. 

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What will happen to 5.2 million hectares of SABL land?

Martyn Namorong

Commissioner Nicholas Mirou continued o stress through the SABL hearings in Wewak, that the Land Act does not provide for the revocation of SABLs. The Land At 1996 provides at section 102 for the creation of Special Purpose Leases. Section 102 does not even specify where such leases should be owned by Papua New Guineans or Foreigners or both.

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MPs give evidence at SABL Commission of Inquiry

By Martyn Namorong

The Commission of Inquiry into Special Purpose Agriculture and Business Leases (SABL) concluded its hearings yesterday at around 7PM after Hon. Tony Aimo (pictured) gave witness regarding the Nugwaia-Bongos Integrated Agriculture Project. The Project which is in Mr. Aimo’s electorate also incorporates his customary land.

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Bank moves to reclaim businesses from foreign hands

The National Development Bank, backed by multi-million kina funding from the government, has launched a new campaign to return control of the nation’s small business sector to Papua New Guineans.

Bank managing director Richard Maru says it is an “eye sore” and a crime against the people that 90% of retail shops, particularly trade stores and food bars, are being run by foreign nationals and migrants.

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SABL Commissioner abused

By Gabriel Fito

A Commissioner executing the national government-sanctioned Commission of Inquiry of the Special Agriculture Business Lease (SABL) hearing into the Sepik Oil Palm Plantation Ltd has expressed disappointment over an incident at the project site last Wednesday.

Commissioner Nicholas Mirou said he was shocked and terrified when another vehicle driven by an aggrieved landowner company executive speeded towards the vehicle carrying him in an erratic and dangerous manner.

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One lawyer representing both landholders and the logging company!

By Martyn Namorong

Mr Peter Kuman of Kuman Lawyers (shown seated as the project manger of Brilliant Investments is being sworn into the witness stand) is attending the Commission of Inquiry hearings in Wewak as counsel representing the exploiters of Marrienberg SPABL – Brilliant Investments.

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Brilliant Investments not so brilliant at Marrienberg SABL

Martyn Namorong

“Makeshift jobs!” That has been the impression of the Commissioner and the counsels assisting the Commission of Inquiry into Special Purpose Agriculture Business Leases. The Commission visted Marrienberg and the Nungawai-Bongos SPABL sites.

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Here is the problem - we need less talk and more ACTION!

Herein lies the problem - we MUST ACT NOW! - not just talk and theorize but ACT.

That might mean sometimes we mess up - and that's okay, but when we don't even act or try THEY "drink the water" and you can subsitute a million other phrases with that one can't you?

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