
Landowners not happy with Turubu oil palm SABL

Martyn Namorong

Landowners from the Turubu and Saussi areas have submitted sworn affidavits to the Commission of Inquiry through their lawyer, Mr. Hubert Wali. These villagers are affected by the Sepik Oil Palm Project, Portion 144C COMMONLY REFFERED TO AS THE Turubu Oil Palm Project.

The landowners claim, amongst other things, that:

  1. They had not given their prior consent to convert customary land to SABL
  2. They had not participated in any land investigation
  3. Consent that some of them gave was for development of their land other than an SABL
  4. There was no proper forum held to discuss the environmental impacts

The landowners have also informed the Commission through their lawyer that they intend to take out an injunction to prevent further logging in the area.