rait man's blog

Remembering another PNG Defence Force call out

The International State Crime Initiative’s Dr Kristian Lasslett draws on his research into the Bougainville conflict to analyse the government’s recent decision to deploy PNGDF troops in the Southern Highlands.

It is almost twenty three years ago to the day, since the PNGDF was sent to Bougainville by Papua New Guinea’s National Executive Council. They were deployed to help the RPNGC restore law and order, following an anti-mine uprising.

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NRI says SABL deprives landowners of wealth creation

By Shirlyn Belden

Special Agriculture Business Leases in Papua New Guinea are said to be depriving customary landowners of opportunities to create wealth and self-development.  

According to the National Research Institute and National Land Development Programme, the work and effect of SABL since its introduction has been contradicting the two recent amendments through the Land Group Incorporation (Amendment) Act and Land Registration (Customary) (Amendment) Act 2009. 

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Student leader dismisses regionalism claims by Attorney General

Radio New Zealand: The Papua New Guinea university student leader who led a protest last week over the controversial Judicial Conduct Act dismisses claims by the Attorney General Allan Marat that the action is prompted by students from Enga Province.

Dr Marat says the bill, rushed through Parliament last week, will better define the role and conduct of judges.

It follows repeated efforts by the government to suspend Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia, who is from Enga.

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Students and civil society look at options after O'Neill refusal to repeal

Alexander Rheeney

Papua New Guinean student protestors and civil society are looking at their options after Prime Minister Peter O’Neill refused to get parliament to repeal the controversial Judicial Conduct Act.

Among the options being considered is a nationwide stopwork by workers in both the government and private sectors and sit-in protests by students at PNG's main universities in Port Moresby, Lae, Goroka, Madang and Rabaul.

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Thank you UPNG Students

Our Pacific Ways

Hats off to the students of the University of Papua New Guinea who on Friday showed their disagreement on the new Judicial Conduct Bill. 

They marched down the street of Port Moresby to the parliament house and presented their petition to Secretary Manasupe Zurenuoc as Papua New Guineans expressed their support through mobile phone messages that flooded the students phones.

The new bill gives government the power to suspend judges.

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Video: Police back down to allow peaceful student protest

ABC news

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Judicial Conduct Bill 2012



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Oro landowners unaware of SABL leases

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New interactive website shows villages affected by the SABL land grab

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Foreigners false promises dressed up as economic development are destroying us

Gary Juffa


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