Prime Minister Peter O’Neill has been left struggling to explain why the SABL leases have not been cancelled as recommended by a Commission of Inquiry in 2013.
The PM was put on the spot by journalists at a televised media briefing after weeks of intensive campaigning by ACT NOW!
When questioned about why the SABL leases have not been cancelled the Prime Minister said he had done everything in his power to ensure the leases were cancelled and individual government agencies needed to answer for why they have not followed NEC instructions.
The Prime Minister reiterated that in his view the SABL leases are unlawful and the leases holders are operating illegally on the land.
To have such clear statements from the Prime Minister being broadcast on the main evening news on EMTV is a major step forward in the campaign to have the leases revoked. It puts serious pressure on individual government Departments to now act in accordance with the NEC decision.