The New Timber Barons: The companies logging the rainforests of Papua New Guinea

Research report reveals the ten groups of companies, all with strong links to Malaysia, responsible for nearly 70% of Papua New Guinea’s round log exports between 2019 and 2021.

Maximising Value: Can PNG finally end the export of unprocessed tropical logs?

Research paper looks at the history of government attempts to reduce the level of unprocessed round log exports and analyses whether current government policies to end log exports by 2025 are likely to be successful.

The Money Behind the Chainsaws

Report reveals how commercial banks operating in Papua New Guinea have supported the destructive logging of tropical forests despite numerous reports exposing the legal, environmental and human rights abuses associated with the logging operations.

Letting the Raven Fly: The failure to convict leaders charged with corruption offences.

Research study by ACT NOW that finds despite the high reported prevalence of corruption, only a very small number of officials are being charged with corruption related offences and, over the past two years (2019/20), of 28 people charged none have been convicted or imprisoned.

From Extraction to Inclusion

From Extraction to Inclusion explains why the large-scale extraction of natural resources has failed to deliver promised development outcomes and how the government should instead focus on protecting customary land and invest in local farmers in order to put people at the centre of PNG's development and improve their lives and livelihoods.

Policy Proposals for Open and Accountable Government

Revised edition of the Policy Proposals for Open and Accountable Government. Using extensive research, benchmarked international best practice and wide consultation, ACT NOW! has identified 22 measures to make government more transparent and accountable. If adopted, these measures could increase economic growth and boost the size of the economy.

A Critique of Incorporated Land Groups

Incorporated Land Groups have been in use for nearly half a century but their original intended purpose and limitations are often poorly understand and their use has been fraught with controversy and abuse. In this short paper ACT NOW! examines the history behind ILGs, the uses to which they have been put and the controversies and abuses.

The SABL Land Grab: Papua New Guinea’s Ongoing Human Rights Scandal

A report highlighting the appalling human rights abuses suffered by the victims of the huge SABL land-grab in Papua New Guinea.

Land Formalisation Turned Land Rush

Paper by academic Caroline Hambloch investigating the recent expansion of oil palm in East New Britain and highlighting the dangers of land registration processes.
