ACT NOW! welcomes Prime Minister Peter O'Neill's announcement on ICAC

13 August 2011

Community advocacy group, ACT NOW! has welcomed the announcement by Papua New Guinea’s new Prime Minister that his government will establish an Independent Commission Against Corruption”.

"ACT NOW! is very pleased the Prime Minister has pledged to establish an ICAC and has recognized the crippling effects of corruption in PNG”, says Effrey Dademo, Program Manager for ACT NOW!

“ACT NOW! has been campaigning against the blatant stealing of public money and we see the introduction of an ICAC as a necessary step to tackle the problem, but it is only the first step of many that will be required.”

The Prime Minister told parliament today that he was acting “in response to the public outcry against the rampant corruption and mismanagement of public money” and is committed to “investigate, charge, prosecute and jail persons, or groups, or companies who have illegally profited from the State’s coffers”

ACT NOW! says while Mr O’Neill’s words are very heartening and mark a clear separation of his own government from that of Michael Somare, everyone will be watching very closely to see that his actions match his rhetoric.

“As well as looking to the future, and ensuring a well resourced ICAC, the Prime Minister must ensure the recommendations of previous inquiries like that into the Finance Department are implemented and people already implicated are prosecuted”, says Ms Dademo.

For further information and comment contact Effrey Dademo on (675)  321 6354 or 7347 7806