Act Now aims to give ordinary Papua New Guineans a voice!

19 April, 2010

A new not-for-profit organization called ACT NOW! has been launched on the internet at

ACT NOW!, has been created to remind everyone of the importance of Papua New Guinea’s National Goals and Directive Principles and to help ordinary people have a voice in the future of their nation.

Membership of ACT NOW! is free and is open to anyone who wants to get involved in building a better PNG.

PNG faces many problems including widespread violence against women, appalling health and education services, a crumbling infrastructure and the poor management and oversight of major resource projects.  Underpinning many of these problems is widespread and pervasive corruption that seems to be growing out of control.

ACT NOW! aims to address these problems and reassert the important role our National Goals and Directive Principles can play in building a better PNG.

As a nation we have many strengths including abundant natural resources, a rich cultural heritage and resilient people with many skills but the interests of ordinary people are not being protected and their voices are not being heard when decisions are made about our future.

ACT NOW! is funded through voluntary donations and is totally independent and not affiliated to any organization (private, government or non-government) or any political party or politician.