Welcome everyone and please help spread the word

Dear Member

Thank you for joining ACT NOW! and standing up as someone committed to work for a better PNG.

Although our website was launched less than a week ago we already have over 80 members plus 200 fans on facebook, and the numbers keep increasing. 

But ACT NOW! is not a passive organization where just to be a member is enough. We all need to take action and every week we will be suggesting things for us all to do to start making our voice heard.

The first thing we need to do is get the word out about ACT NOW! as widely as possible.

So please TAKE ACTION by: 

  • Emailing all your friends and contacts about ACT NOW! and encourage them to join
  • If you are on facebook tell all your friends there about ACT NOW! and encourage them to join
  • Download our poster and print a copy for your office, classroom or any other public place
  • If you follow any blogs then post a comment there telling people about ACT NOW!

Although the ACT NOW! website is very new we already have some interesting blog posts that are generating comments and discussion. Articles added this week include: 

We have also today added a new section to the web site for you to check out - Your Stories 

As well as doing what you can to promote ACT NOW! we also want to hear from you and there are a number of ways you can communicate with everyone in our new ACT NOW! community:

  • You can comment on any blog articles on the website
  • You can write your own blog piece and email it to us to post on the website
  • You can write your own story on the website, or
  • You can write on our wall on facebook or join one of our facebook discussions 

For ACT NOW! to be successful we are all going to have to take action - so please start right now by following some of the suggestions above so together we can build a better PNG – a PNG where we implement our National Goals and bring corruption under control.

Best wishes,


ACT NOW! Program Manager

PS Coming next on our website – PROJECT WATCH
