Dear ACT NOW! supporter

It has been a significant week for ACT NOW! with several important new developments

1. Email action

This week ACT NOW! launched its first on-line email action in protest at the Prime Minister’s highjacking of PNG’s democracy. Not only is this a significant milestone for the ACT NOW!community, we think this may be the first ever email action launched by a PNG based organisation. The email action has a target of 250 emails and already over 80 have been sent. If you haven’t sent your email yet then it really is quick and easy to do so please make sure you ACT NOW! 

2. Website 

There is also a new Home Page on the ACT NOW! website. The new page is bigger, more colourful and contains much more information than previously. As well as a new slide-show with direct links to campaigns there is a new ‘latest updates’ box with links to the newest blog posts and Project Watch news updates. 

3. On-line Petition 

The on-line petition calling on the government to reverse the Environment Act amendments has passed its second target of 1,000 signatures. One of the great advantages of an on-line petition over the traditional paper style is that it allows people to add their personal comments on the issue. So as well as over one thousand signatures we have more than 35 pages of personal comments to present to the government. Thank you to everyone who signed. 

4. Other new stuff

Six new blog posts have been added this week:

Plus a new page on the Yandera mine has been added to the Project Watch section of the website – which has also been updated with 17 new news items.

Please don’t forget to send your email to protest about the undermining of PNG’s democracy and we wish you all a safe weekend

The ACT NOW! team


ACT NOW! relies on YOUR donations as we don't accept money from corporations or politicians. Every contribution, no matter how small, really does help. Please donate using a credit card or email us to make a direct deposit

