Dear ACT NOW! supporter,
Your response to the on-line petition calling on the government to reverse the Environment Act amendments has been AWESOME!
Already you have exceeded the initial target of 500 signatures so we are now looking to double that number to 1,000.
If you haven't already signed, please do so now and if you have signed then please circulate the petition link to all your personal and professional contacts with a request for them to sign on.
Groups all around PNG are also collecting signatures on paper from those without access to the internet. Please email us if you would like a copy of the Petition Form to pass around at work, school or college.
The government it seems is stunned and in disarray at the public response to the Environmant Act changes. The latest Edict from the Minister for Justice, attempting to unlawfully restrict the debate by banning public discussion, any use of the media or public gathering is an outrageous attempt by a seemingly desperate government.
You can read some of the media reporting of the edict here:
- Somare's attempts at dictatorship gather pace - ACT NOW!
- Landowners not impressed by Pala's warning - Post Courier
- 'No more comments' - The National
- Government in shocking move to shut down debate - Mine Watch
The Prime Minister himself has made two emergency trips to Madang in the last fortnight to try and find a way to silence the Rai coast landowners. They will be the first group affected by the amendments when the Ramu mine starts pumping 100 million tons of contaminated waste into the sea. But the landowners are firm in their opposition to the marine dumping and the Environment Act amendments which take away both their land rights and their legal rights to compensation.
Here is a selection of some of the other media coverage of the Environment Act amendments this week
- Government told to repeal changes - Post Courier
- Fairweather did right by quitting government - The National
- Philemon slams new environment legislation - ABC radio
- Does Somare know marine dumping is banned in China? - Mine Watch
- Forum calls for government to reverse Environment Act changes - Post Courier
- Pogera mine landowners against new Environment Act - The National
- Enough is enough says Mekere - Malum Nalu blog
- Government won't back down - Post Courier
- Police arrest duo to prevent protests - The National
As you can see from the reports, landowners all around PNG are outraged by the amendments and begining to mobilise to bring their concerns to the attention of the government.
Please assist them by signing the petition; sending the petition details to your colleagues and friends; and by emaiing us to get your paper Petition Form to collect signatures from those without access to the internet.
Finally, a special mention of the staff of NBC in Goroko who have posted details of their week of workplace awareness on the ACT NOW! website - way to go NBC!
Together we can Reverse the Environment Act amendments - LETS DO IT!
The ACT NOW! team