Dear ACT NOW! member,

Wow - what a reaction to our Action Alert on Tuesday!

Visits to the ACT NOW! website have almost doubled, already more than 30 of you have emailed the Prime Minister about the draconian changes to the Environment Act (read some of the emails on our website) and we now have more than 1,200 followers on facebook

THANK YOU! everyone for your actions so far.

If you haven't already, then please take a moment now to send your email to the Prime Minister - it really is quick and easy to do

News of the terrible amendments to the Environment Act has gone around the world with articles like these in London's Financial Times, The Australian, the United Nations online news and the Intercontinental Cry blog from Canada.

Closer to home Governor's Powes Parkop and Bob Danaya have denounced the changes, as has TUC President, Michael Malabag.

In Madang there has already been a street protest and three brave landowners from the Rai Coast yesterday filed a Constitutional Challenge questioning the validity of the new laws.

Parliament will not sit again for another eight weeks so now we have to build a campaign to ensure that when the MPs do return they reverse the changes.

It is not too late to send your email to the Prime Minister - and please inform your friends, family and colleagues about the changes to the Environment Act and how they can also ACT NOW! by emailing the Prime Minister.

Best wishes

The ACT NOW! team


ACT NOW! relies on YOUR donations as we don't accept money from corporations or politicians. Every contribution, no matter how small, really does help. Please donate using a credit card or email us to make a direct deposit

