Dear ACT NOW! member 

It has been a strange week in the media with a total disconnect between what has been reported in our newspapers and on radio and tv and what has been discussed on-line.

On-line, the week has been dominated by the finding of the Commission of Inquiry into the Department of Finance - which have been nicknamed 'The Paraka Scams'.

The PNGexposed blog has been releasing details of the Commission findings and publishing sections of its report such as:

But none of this has been reported in the mainstream media because of a court injunction obtained by Paul Paraka and Zacchary Gelu stopping publication in PNG and also stopping any criminal prosecutions.

On thing that was covered in the mainstream media was the ACT NOW! media release on our on-line poll which shows 99% of you think the PM is not doing enough on corruption. The release was covered in the Post Courier, in an interview with NBC radio and on Malum Nalu's blog.

ACT NOW! blog

It has also been a busy week on the ACT NOW! blog with six new articles published including:

A big THANK YOU to all our blog contributors and especially Josh in San Fransico who this week posted the first ACT NOW! Video Blog - Development not reaching the majority of our population. We hope many of you will be inspired by watching Josh's video to submit your own video commentary on current events.

We must also extend a BIG thank you to those of you who have donated to ACT NOW! We really do need your support to keep ACT NOW! afloat so your contributions are much appreciated. Please see below for more details on how to donate.

ACT NOW! will be posting a new ACTION ALERT early next week; until then we wish you a happy and peaceful weekend.

The ACT NOW! team

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