Dear ACT NOW! member

Another busy week has flown by but we would like to highlight two important issues that ACT NOW! believes deserve more attention.

1.  The Paraka scams

Details are slowing emerging on the internet about the findings of the Commission of Inquiry into the Finance Department which uncovered that more than K780 million was stolen from the public purse between 2000 and 2006. 

But the majority of people in PNG still have no idea about the the scams because of a temporary court injunction obtained by Paul Paraka and Zacchary Gelu which the government has not yet challenged.

Please do what you can to inform others without internet access about this issue.

2.  The impending Exxon-Mobil disaster

Ten days ago SBS television broadcast a frightening Dateline documentary on the possible impacts of the Exxon-Mobil LNG project. The transcript for Resource Rage is now available on the ACT NOW! website.

In trying to answer the question "how is it that a country as richly endowed with natural resources as Papua New Guinea with multinational mining companies flocking there like bees to a honey pot is actually going backwards when it comes to key social indicators such as wealth and life expectancy?" the program highlighted some of the ways in which we have failed to follow our National Goals in developing major resource projects and also some of the devastating consequences that could follow for local people.

ACT NOW! believes the government has failed to properly consult with local people over the project and has not planned properly for its impacts. It would be better for PNG if the project could be slowed or stopped altogether and subjected to a proper review.

3. New on the website this week

As well as a new page explaining more about the ACT NOW! Vision, six new blog articles have been added on the website including

Our thanks to all our blog contributors and to everyone who has posted their comments on the articles.

We wish you all a happy and peaceful weekend

The ACT NOW! team


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