Dear ACT NOW! member

This is your update of what has been happening for ACT NOW! this week.

ACT NOW! in the media 

ACT NOW! has been featured in a number of media articles this week including:

There have also been radio interviews with Radio Australia and Radio Australia's Tok Pisin service

New blog posts on the website

There have been seven new posts on the blog this week. If you haven't had the chance to read any of the articles yet just click on the title below. Please don't forget to leave your comments for others to read.

ACT NOW! is all about taking action and speaking out, so if you would like to submit your own blog article then please email it to us and we will post it on the website. 

We will be back with another ACTION ALERT early next week, until then we hope you all have a happy and peaceful weekend (and please don't forget to post your corruption story on the website and tell your friends and family about ACT NOW!)


ACT NOW! Program Manager


