PNG needs a new breed of politician

By Reginald Renagi

AFTER more than three decades of gaining independence, PNG now needs more young politicians in parliament.

After years of the same political leadership, many Papua New Guineans feel this is a good time to have more young politicians in the Haus Tambaran.

There is merit in this suggestion and it should be encouraged by all major political parties.

If politicians are to best serve PNG’s national interests, then lawmakers must see to it that innovative, creative and fresh political ideas and strategies are explored by select committees and debated properly in parliament.

On the other hand, being a competent and effective MP is a completely different ball-game. Apart from a handful of stand-outs, most MPs over the years just do not fit this category.For man, their constant poor performance shows they have no idea of their important role as lawmakers.

Most politicians lack long-term commitment.

They do not demonstrate the ability to propose new policy initiatives or to develop options to make good workable laws in parliament.

These MPs do not see it as their core responsibility to facilitate the achievement of economic and social prosperity.

They don’t see their responsibility to create and sustain an environment that safeguards the people’s well-being, let alone their leading role in doing what is right for the greater good of the people and country.

Politicians wishing to make a difference to the way PNG is governed must break out of the common political mould.

They must forego bad political precedents, including those established by prime ministers, who, over the years, have simply ignored the interests of Papua New Guineans.

It is time our politicians made a concerted effort to rise above mediocrity and strive for excellence.

There is a pressing need for a different kind of political leader.

PNG must have politicians with the flexibility and openness of mind to make the country safe, progressive and prospe rous.

The country needs MPs who are not afraid to speak out against injustices and corruption.

We need intelligent and competent MPs who will make good laws for the people and country.

PNG and its citizens have suffered much in recent years as leaders in key positions compromised themselves by making side deals.

So in next year’s general election, let us try to have more young politicians in parliament who can take PNG to a new le vel of politics through good governance, transparency, accountability and responsibility in future.