Dear ACT NOW! member,

The whole country is up in arms about the amendments to the Environment Act that take away landowner rights and give immunity to foreign resource companies.

The coverage in the media last week was almost unprecendented with multiple stories in our newspapers and on tv and radio every day. Below is just a small selection of what has been reported.

If you have not already signed our on-line petition then PLEASE do that now - sign the petition.

Your signatures will be presented to the government as part of a rolling National Day of Action that is starting in Madang on June 23 and which will be followed by other rallies around the Nation.

We are also asking you to collect written signatures on our paper petition forms - please email us to get your pdf copy and get as many people as you can to sign.

As you will see in the media stories below, landowners from Pogera, Hidden Valley, Madang, Morobe, Oro, New Ireland, Eastern Highlands and Southern Highlands have all been voicing their protests at the new laws. Their concerns are being echoed by leaders like Powes Pakop, Bob Danaya, MP Sam Basil, Michael Malabag, Andrew Baing and supported by The National Transparency International and Greenpeace.

Selected media coverage

Already 1,000 of you have  joined the Reverse the Environment Act  discussion on Facebook and this is the best place to keep up with the latest news on the campaign. 

Please ACT NOW! and sign our on-line petition and then encourage your friends and colleagues to do the same.

Together we can reverse this terrible law!

Best wishes

The ACT NOW! team 
