Local landowners oppose PMIZ


Local leaders of the Kananam and Dapu people have spoken out in opposition to the governments controversial Pacific Marine Industrial Zone, and declared they will not allow the project to be built on their land.

(Photo: Adolf Skarmai (second from right), Vitus Kai (right) and other leaders)

"We hear we may be moved elsewhere but this cannot be! This is our land, our birth right," said Augustine Lalo.

The government has borrowed US$71 million from the Chinese Exim Bank and contracted a Chinese company to build the infrastructure for the PMIZ, which will eventually house up to 10 tuna processing factories. PMIZ will be declared a fenced tax-free zone, exempt from labour, tax and environmental laws, under new legislation being drafted for PNG by the World Bank.

The local leaders say they will join Sumkar MP, Ken Fairweather, in a legal battle to challenge the PMIZ.

The leaders say the final straw was finding out that their sea has been zoned to be included in the special economic zone.

"How could the government do something like this and not let us know?".

Government maps show the zoned area will include the historic Catholic's centre at Alexishafen and the Kananam villages including Idawan island and other small islands in the area.

An angry chief Adolf Skarmai said, "I have enjoyed the benefits from the RD Tuna Canners but to learn that me and my people will be affected by being displaced in this PMIZ development makes me very angry and I say no PMIZ. No, No, No PMIZ."

"We are landowners, and not even the government wants to admit that. We have fought the existing project for the last 10 years and we will continue to fight," said a youth representative. "Enough," he said.

Another leader said, "I am not a foreigner and I am not a prisoner. This is my land and I will not be moved."

"This is our land which they have taken and now to take away our sea and send us off somewhere? That is not on," said another leader.

The Kananam people been holding a series of meetings over recent weeks and have agreed to work with other affected communities in making sure the government's plan on the PMIZ will not happen.

On behalf of the Dapu community Vitus Kai has pledge his support and prominent Madang landowner, Tamlong Tabb, has also pledged his support.