Kapris and Amet leave K25 million question unanswered

The stormy events at the Pacific Marine Industrial Zone forum last Friday have received plenty of media attention, but one question remains unanswered: what has happened to the K25 million of public money allocated in the 2007 national budget for PMIZ preparatory works?

This question was put directly and publicly to government Ministers Gabriel Kapris and Arnold Amet, by Sumkar MP Ken Fairweather on Friday.

‘Where is that K25 million? Where did that money go?’ he asked.

But Amet and Kapris had no answer, choosing instead to insult the MP and leave the question of what has happened to the money hanging in the air.

Observers report that the whole exchange made Amet 'more uncontrollably furious than he’d ever been seen to be in public before - truly enraged from embarrassment' - perhaps he is embarrassed because he knows where the money has disappeared to but dare not reveal the truth? 

While we might have hoped that Amet, as our former Chief Justice, might bring a little more accountability and transparency to government spending, it seems that he is more concerned with protecting the National Alliance and his new found political friends.


it seems there will be no accountability and transperancy restored. he is just another weldok lo skin blo sipsip. mipla raicoast bai ino inap votim em lo 2012...em ba lus..karkar laikim Ken Fairweather na votim em if anold amet em sanap lo open, em bai lus....em mipla raicoast ting bai helpim mipla na givim namba blo peter barter long em..now, mark my word, em bai lus,,,ol man moni pes tasol bai kisim moni na votim em....