
First the Egyptian's, now the Greeks, next Papua New Guinea

From LNG Watch

Last week we posted an article which raised questions over whether electoral politics in its current form constitutes democracy, that is does it enhance the capacity of each individual to participate in the economic and political decision making processes that condition their life. We suggested decision making takes place at hermetically sealed levels, which ordinary people are excluded from.

In Greece at present people are taking to the streets to express their anger over decisions taken by the political elites and bankers, which ordinary working Greeks are now being told to pay for by the European parliament, the IMF and indeed their own government. The question in Greece, the question in Spain, the question in the United Kingdom, the question in Egypt, the question in Papua New Guinea, is whether people can not simply express rage, but can covert this growing revolutionary spirit inspired by decision making from above, into creation.

With the father of Papua New Guinea stepping down from power, fears are arising over a constitutional crisis. The mining companies, loggers, banks and agrofirms do not fear popular participation, the people are too divided by poverty, by clan affiliation, by geography for that, what they fear is that the Waigani elite will become fractured, consumed by in-fighting, which will lead to political stagnation.

Like with the Arab world, there is a belief that Papua New Guineans are incompatible with revolutionary change. Papua New Guineans are too parochial to seriously challenge the status quote, too mired in the world of patronage, localism, clan politics, kinship networks. The question is can these emblems of 'fragmentation',  become a strength that unites people, under a national bloc that seeks to protect culture, land and environment from the coercive forces of capital and political domination.

The Greeks search for their answers, the Egyptians, Syrians, Libyans, Tunisians, Yeminis etc, search for theirs, each answer will be specific to the national situation, but the question is whether a general theme can run through all movements, to depose market determinism and enact a new world of social exchange for social people that takes as its guide human beings, land, environment, sustainability, future generations.

We will continue to challenge the big companies like Exxon Mobil through a peaceful campaign of protest and critique, as will others, but unless the life force of the powerful are challenged on a mass scale, any victory will be temporal and sporadic. Only a united, mass movement will create the environment for true participation in economic and social change in Papua New Guinea.


The problem with Papua New Guinea Politic is that our leaders are power hungry and that there is no decentralization of power, all decisions are made on the provincial and national levels only so when the Government want to bring development to the people there is alot of stagmentation with development in rurals areas. If decisions were made from the people up to the National Level then we would have a stable country.
Also our Natural Resources are being over exploited beyond its carrying capacity, ourcarbond footprint is increasing with import of used cars and no prope waste management policy in most urban centers. We need proper resource managment prtactices and the principles good governance to prevail in Papua New Guinea. Therefore, in order to develope PNG we must Manage our Natural Resources on a sustanable level without exceeding its carrying capacity for the economic purpose or basic service delivery to all parts of PNG from urban to rural and from Highland to Islands.