
East Sepik people want four SABLs revoked

By Jimmy Kalebe

Landowners in the four Special Agriculture Business Lease (SABL) in East Sepik yesterday called on the provincial and National Government to revoke all SABL in the province, report the Post Courier.

In a petition drafted over the weekend by landowners from Turubu and Sausso Local Level Government and Nungwaia/Bongos, the people demanded that their land under SABL be returned to them.

The landowners said they were not happy that through this SABL, much of their customary land was alienated from them and the title given to some foreigners and nationals who had no customary rights over it.

In a media conference conducted yesterday the landowners said they were in favour of the project, but the project should suit the best interest of all landowners and not the minority elites who wanted to capitalise on local people’s land and resources.

The landowners’ representatives said they were confused as to how their land was taken from them and who the title holders were, and how the benefits would reach them.

The landowners of Turubu LLG said since the oil palm project started under the SABL agreement, millions of kina damages done to their land had not been compensated which showed that this type of agreement should be revoked permanently in the province.

Jimmy Huringu, a landowner in Sausso LLG, said the portion 144c which covered Turubu and Sausso LLG was now under the hands of foreigners and a few nationals.
Mr Huringu said the title to portion 144c was under the Sepik Oil Palm Limited and not the immediate landowners of the said LLGs

Representatives of Nungwaia/Bongos said their landowners had no idea of the project even though talks had been there long before. They said there had never had any awareness of any projects to happen until just recently when they found out that their land was now under portion 55c.

Meanwhile, in expressing the same sentiments, Otto Yanikanzi a landowner in Nungwaia/Bongos area, said many landowners there did not know fully what type of project would be on their land and who were the beneficiaries of that project. He said local landowners were still waiting for proper explanations and negotiations between the developer, its associates and the landowners.

He commented that all such impact project should involve every stakeholder for smooth operations. Also, he said there should be a well co-ordinated communication between the local landowners and the developers.


This East Sepik SABL deal should be revoked outright and the customary landowners be given the chance to properly register their land and engage into any land development agreement. In East Sepik Province esspecially in the Turubu and Sausso LLG land has been deemed to be taken away by few foreingn national with the involvement of some national who have vested personnel interest with no proper understanding of land dealings or laws, policies and guideline governing such dealing.

Such persons involve in such unlawful activities should be punished; for their actions have contravene the prevailing laws of this land and the investor who engaged himself in such act against the people be penalised and deported immediately without further delays.

I urged the CoI to give priority in conducting investigations into this SABL in East Sepik Province and make appropriate reccommendation to the government of the day to deliberate on.

Let us all stand up against this and urged all citizens in the Turubu and Sausso LLGs to say "NO" to such dealings. There is no tangible development happenning in these districts as yet by the investor and his national cronies. Hence, there are credible evidences of improper dealings into obtaining this vast hectares of land by the investor and his national cronies.

Our land is our provides us with nearly every thing we need for living.

Turubu/ Saussia people should stand up together and say "NO" to this SABL thing.

Fidelis Waipma
Port Moresby