Dear ACT NOW! member,
Thank you to everyone who responded to last week's ACTION ALERT.
In response to the Alert, 25 new comments were added to our blog and 4 people added their thoughts on the Crisis Facing PNG.
Although ACT NOW! was only launched 4 weeks ago, we are already generating some pretty exciting statistics:
- 2,400 visits to the ACT NOW! website;
- 8,500 page views;
- 28 blog articles and 11 stories published;
- 64 comments posted;
- 200 ACT NOW! members;
- 500 fans following our Facebook page;
Already the media are sitting up and taking notice and we know certain politicians are tracking what is being said on the ACT NOW! website.
But now we need to take ACT NOW! to the next level.
If EACH of us recruit at least 5 friends or colleagues as ACT NOW! members then by the end of this week we could have more than a 1000 people in our network.
Let's make our voice even louder by recruiting more members!
Please ACT NOW! by forwarding this email to as many people as possible with your personal request for them to JOIN.
Thank you for taking action.