Dear ACT NOW! member,
Yesterday thousands of people walked to Parliament House to protest against government plans to weaken the powers of the Ombudsman Commission.
If you were involved in the marches or signed the Community Coalition Against Corruption petition we salute you for taking action.
But PNG is facing a much bigger crisis than just this one piece of legislation.
In the last week:
- We have read the Finance Department Commission of Inquiry found over $300 million dollars has been stolen from the public purse.
- Many of our lawyers, senior public servants and politicians have been named - but a court injunction is stopping any prosecutions.
- We have seen and heard William Kapris allege senior politicians funded and profited from his bank robberies and an Asian 'Black Bank' is robbing us all
- But the police seem more interested in stopping the leaks than investigating the MPs (and the videos have now disappeared from YouTube).
While the protests yesterday may mark the birth of a new peoples movement that can make real change happen, we are only at the very start of a long journey. It will need all of our combined efforts if we are to succesfully arrive at our destination.
We have told the government what we think of their plans for the Ombudsman Commission. We have read about the Finance Deprtment Commission of Inquiry findings. We have seen and heard William Kapris. But what needs to happen now?
We want to hear from YOU on the crisis facing PNG and hear what YOU think can be done.
This may seem like a very small step - but it is essential if we are going to move forward. We need YOU to ACT NOW! and have your voice heard.
Please go to our special blog page and add your comments on the crisis. Come on, tell the world how you are feeling right now and tell everyone what you want to see happen.
Yesterday, we took a very important first step, together we can make it all the way to our destination - so please ACT NOW!
The ACT NOW! team