Dear ACT NOW! member
Bribes. A flashy new car. Expensive trips overseas. Continuous lies. Cheating to get ahead. Schools without books. Hospitals without medicines. Roads and bridges crumbling.
Everyday we see, hear and read about the corruption which is destroying our democracy and stealing our future.
But we need to do more than just sit by and watch it happen - we need to ACT.
We are asking all ACT NOW! members to speak out - what are you seeing happen in your neighbourhood or at work and how is corruption affecting your family?
Maybe you have been asked to pay a bribe? Or have seen a colleague or neighbour suddenly flush with unexplained wealth? Have you been cheated out of a job or promotion or seen someone else get ahead by cheating?
All too often the stories in the media about the missing millions seem remote from our everyday lives, BUT corruption DOES affect YOU and we want you to help make our leaders take notice.
Already some members have posted their stories on the ACT NOW! website, like Charles who alleges there was inappropriate behaviour in the election of a new bishop and a UNICEF worker who watched mothers risking death to give birth.
Click here to post your story (your identity will be kept completely confidential) or email us your photographs showing the impacts of coruption.
Your stories and photos are really important because we want to make our leaders take notice and they need to hear and see how corruption is affecting you. Sharing your story with other people is an essential step to get that attention, start the debate and change the way people think about the problem.
Please take a few minutes to post your story or email us your photographs showing the impacts of corruption.
Many thanks
The ACT NOW! team
PS We will be sending another email tomorrow with a summary of what has been happening with ACT NOW! this week. In future we will send Action Alerts early in the week and a round up email towards the end of the week so we are not crowding your inbox.
Want to support our work? We rely on your contributions to fund our work as we don't accept money from corporations or politicians. Every contribution, no matter how small, really does help. Please donate using a credit card or email us to make a direct deposit