Prime Minister Michael Somare's attempts to rule Papua New Guinea like an African dictator have taken another step forward with an Edict from the Minister for Justice (see attached pdf below) that bans public debate on the Environment Act amendment and orders the police to stop any public gatherings or protests.
Over recent months we have seem Somare treat Parliament with contempt. He has bulldozed legislation through the House without any prior consultation, Parliamentary scrutiny or debate. He has ordered the Clerk of Parliament not to accept a public petition with over 20,000 signatures. He has refused to step aside to face the serious criminal charges that should flow from his illegal and criminal conduct in the Moti Affair.
Now he has topped all of that with an audacious move to silence any debate about the controversial amendments to the Environment Act.
- no more discussion, comment or reference in the media to the Environment Act amendments
- no talk back radio programs or interviews
- no more advertisements
- no more letters to the editor
- no more protest meetings
- no public demonstrations, and
- no public marches.
His notice also directs the police to cancel and not authorize any further public meetings, protest demonstrations or marches against the Environment Act amendments.
This is an utterly outrageous attempt by a draconian government to stifle public debate and deny citizens their constitutional rights.
The government has NO right to tell the people what they can and cannot do in this fashion
They have no rights to try and control the media
They have no rights to tell the police what they can and cannot do.
The government’s claimed justification that as the laws are being challenged in the Supreme Court the whole matter is sub judice is complete and utter nonsense. There is nothing before the Supreme Court in the Reference that prevents the MEDIA or ANYONE else from discussing whether or not it is a good piece of legislation.
The government also seems to have forgotten that it is itself organizing conferences and debates on another piece of legislations that is before the Supreme Court – the law on the Integrity of Political Parties. So why the double standard?
It also appears that the Minister, in attempting to usurp the powers of the police and stop people from expressing themselves – which is guaranteed by the Constitution, is himself engaging in unlawful conduct!
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It is really terrible for the dictatorship shown by the old worn
It is really terrible for the dictatorship shown by the old worn out Prime Minister and we the citizens should now use people power to overthrow such Government and maybe introduce new form of Government with New brains in the Parliament by 2012.
If not we will divide this Island Nation into Cultural Group and each culture Group Govern themself according to their cultural practises.I personally don't need Sepiks to look after me or my people.
This is the proof of a weak and truly corrupt government in the
This is the proof of a weak and truly corrupt government in the political history of Papua New Guinea. It is driving the entire PNG into the ditch either through dictatorship as President Mugabe did for South Africa or through the natural resources sales to the Asian or foreign companies squandering and ditching and bulldozing it to zero. The attempt to ensure full control of PNG by Somare now would be through the legal spaces that exist. The Attorney General’s media release stopping every democratic avenues open for free speech and participation in the economic and political affairs of a nation-state is subjugated. The media release very well spells out rights of PNGeans being curtailed by the "neutral" and "just" institution of the state. The Department of Justice in PNG could "NOT" therefore be trusted by some of us. It has become the "rubber stamp" of deconian government of Somare. Dr. Allan Marat was a man-man enough to think of the well-being and rights of every Papua New Guinean and made a right move to resign. The current one has succumbed very easily however. He should have said he WOULD NOT PUT that MEDIA RELEASE UP knowing it is the stupidest and contradictory move he could do. HIS OFFICE is to maintain order and justice through legal frameworks in a country yet, he did not.
Should all sons and daughters of this land, knowing this attempt from the government comply while forgoing the democratic rights at the same time? Should PNGeans go opt for civil strike (close offices, stop business operations, etc rather than rampage as a sign of civil disobedience)?.
Welcome to 21st Century Papua New Guinea where it is alright to
Welcome to 21st Century Papua New Guinea where it is alright to gag Parliament and crush any signs of dissent and popular public opinion. Is this the price Papua New Guineans have to pay for 34 years of independence?
One man gave Papua New Guinea the red black and gold Bird of Paradise flag on Independence Hill on 16 September 1975 to announce the birth of a new nation to the world. Thirty-four years down and that same man has made the road impassable and littered with gigantic crater-like potholes in the form of lack of medicines, a dysfunctional public service and corruption of epidemic proportions.
Michael Thomas Somare has fallen from hero to zero! He continues to play his trade unabated, dismantling institutions of governance like the Ombudsman Commission and making parliament jump at the sound of his feet.
How long do we have to tolerate this outrageous behaviour? Even cabinet ministers are complaining behind the scenes but no one has the guts to do the right.
PNG is doomed and has become a police state - and we continue to nothing about it.....
Well, you're all whinging and whining but NOT ONE OF YOU HAS
Are we all such a bunch of cowards as indicated by the commments so far?
Dear Stand up tall, we do agree with you! So what do you
Dear Stand up tall, we do agree with you! So what do you suggest?
No one has the guts to lead a civil rebellion or whatever, its
No one has the guts to lead a civil rebellion or whatever, its wise we leave it to 2012, let the normal democratic process take its course. Our history shows the lack of understanding and interest citizens have in issues of national interest. Maybe its because of the level of education or the lack of nationalism, it's just a handful of us who are discussing this issues, the rest are enjoying life and do not worry about PNG's future but their own. So stop fantasizing about civil unrest and contribute positive by being a role model in the 2012 election by voting for the right leaders.
Martin Luther King Jr, Gandhi, Steve Biko, Malcolm X and all the
Martin Luther King Jr, Gandhi, Steve Biko, Malcolm X and all the other great leaders of social movements engaged in civil disobedience. Are you saying they should have waited for their respective countries elections to get the powers-that-be to listen?
The PNG electoral system; are you serious? We all know about votes going missing and the level of coruption. The last time I was home, the corruption was unashamedly open and blantant.
Yes PNG people should vote and get Somare out in 2012; but the struggle needs to be done on many different levels including civil disobedience!
This is a saddest time of our country, experience from the
This is a saddest time of our country, experience from the hardworking local miners working underground at Tolukuma to the landowners of mining and petroleum regions, the pain of being heavily tax, lowely paid, the paid too much, I would want nothing else but independance for Bougainville, NGI, Madang, Morobe and every province, theres too much corruption everything has gone bleak, all royalties have been lost in Waigani, our future is in tatters, money being lost in trust funds, chaotic, there's no future for PNG as I see it, so sad unless miracles, but the truth is miracles done come if we continue the same path, God will make use feel the pain because we put those leaders into the parliament, unless there is bloodshed, there will never be change in PNG, the independance gift was on the goldern plate, I still feel also that we were wrong to get our freedom, God please as you see before your our stupidity, its up to you to descide our destiny as we will never govern ourself properly, 700 tribes of differrent languages will never work togeather unless we all get independance like the greater Russia (USSR) that broke into small nations, that will be the only way forward, so our respective people will be governed properly, so we know our purpose and work hard, Lord its your call..........
Michael Somare addessed the Kandep District people during Poyles
Michael Somare addessed the Kandep District people during Poyles Campaign and said, "This is my last term in Parliment". And that was a well said piece, "in Parliment ", implying, "but not his last in Power Bully." The question to ask is, can 1 man accomplish all these shit? I beleive not, there is a "greedy established ring of support" in place. Here is why we do not hear the properous cry, the prominent complain and the influencers resist. We cannot wait on a leader now, for every leader who stands up still has the fear. What we need is the people, we are the ultimate power on which this nation has its foundation. Togther if we stand, we will bring the long awaited Change. A good start is to tear down the House Tambaran in which the devils reside and build a modern Building in which men and women convene to move this nation forward. "Ol wantoks"! we must act whilst we can. Wondering who is going to lead you into this change? "You need only to look into a Mirror."
(PS: use simple/commonly used terms to get people to understand and get serious about the issue on hand, do not use complicated words and almost sound like those A_holes @ Tambaran's Place or like a cool dishonest Lawyer)
We had done it in Madang showing civil disobedience to the state
We had done it in Madang showing civil disobedience to the state over the edict curtailing our democratic rights for free-speech in any political and economic life of a country. The civil disobedience was compounded by the Amended Environment Act which destroys the birth-rights of every Papua New Guineans, including the very people who amended and voted for the amended act.
As regards 2012 election and our wish for a better competent representation in parliament, the onus lies to us to educate our rural dwellers who make up for the 85%. These group make the miss-match of selection of our leaders to date. Our duty to educate them so they choose the right candidates not based on nepotism, bribes, favoritism but on merit, social standing, patriotism, people-centered/oriented, justice, and so forth. The vote of 85% of rural majority make the impact! Educate them for a better and competent representation. This representation should not be composed of dead-lock, blunt, blind and ill-informed people chosen as leaders.
It is evident that this somare dynasty and his kitchen cabinet
It is evident that this somare dynasty and his kitchen cabinet regime is the most corrupt in the history of PNG politics.they have taken PNG politics to a new level. all govenment plans are discussed by few (kitchen cabinet) and rubber stamped by the clown(Nape) in the parliment. junior and senior somare are running the country like a private pukpuk farm in sepik.they don't a shit about what the people,NGOs,churches and media says.
all the MPs in the government cannot say or do anything against because they are bound by OLIPPAC.
Controvesies such as Moti scandal, finance enquiry,Kapris robbery,forest act,etc are unaddressed.
what this country needs is PEOPLE POWER'.the recent protest march in port Moresby, Lae and Madang is the way to go. we cannot wait for the so-called ELLITES to solve the problem. one way or the other they are either connected to corruption or scared of the repercussion that might come.
sorry if i might sound so radical but i think this the way forward if we want to see some radical change in PNG.
THis is PNG. Let the PNG power take its course. Keep up the
THis is PNG.
Let the PNG power take its course.
Keep up the updates, and we'll assist.
Email me...........
Laikim PNG Pasin
Yumi yet.
Share yours with me, !!!
Most welcome...........
Our Aim To Save Our PNG & People
Hi All,.. for me....We use to have chiefs in the villages that
Hi All,..
for me....We use to have chiefs in the villages that have the skills and power to have control over a certain area, that may include a village set up in its own style.
These chiefs have the skills to making sure there is enough food to feed all, all are healthy,fit and strong, defence on desease flow etc.. thus creating a better environment for all to live in.
Just imagine Haiti situation, it has got out of control because every Haiti citizen or whatever, have lost their identity as a result of exploitation, and, the rest you can imagine. PNG can certainly get there to help solve their problem.
Now, do we go and help them, or wehelp ourselves first?
Is there a chance to get back to this PNG concept?
Certainly yes!!!!!!!!!
Talk to us now for free, and we will help for free!!!!!!!!!!
Laikim PNG