East Sepik Province

Landowners call for transparency and fairness after SABL experience

Turubu villagers attending a landowner forum conducted last Friday. Photo by Jimmy Kalebe


Majority of the landowners along the Turubu East Coast in Wewak last week Friday declared to support developments that satisfy all requirements of establishment.

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Mandi Tumarau Road Development

Source: Jimmy Kalebe

Mandi to Tumarau road in Turubu local level government area in East Sepik Province is currently given a facelift of K1.9 million.

Thanks to Minister for Correctional Services and Member for Wewak Open Jim B Simatab with counter funding from provincial and the national government to see this vital service reaching the people.

The road which connects more than 5,000 people was built in the early 1980s and has never been upgraded or maintained ever since.

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FPIC and REDD awareness got interests from local communities in Turubu LLG

Source:  Jimmy Kalebe

An awareness campaign was conducted last week covering the coastal villages of Turubu in East Sepik Province.

The awareness that covered 21 villages mainly looked at Free, Prior, Informed Consent (FPIC) and Reduce Emission from land Degradation and Deforestation (REDD) was well received and drew much interests from participating communities.

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PNG landowners look ahead after SABL order

Photo Credit: Greenpeace

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PNG landowners look ahead after SABL order

Customary landowners in Papua New Guinea have been meeting to discuss their next steps following last month's National Court decision to halt the cancellation of flawed land leases.

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Customary Landowners interested in timber processing on SABL debated land

With all the hype happening around SABL, are we sure land owners are driven to timber processing projects? Could this be another SABL scheme on SABL debated land? It is important we know what we are inexpensively signing before everyone pays the hefty price of recouping one mans mistake. 

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Cancellation of flawed Papua New Guinea land leases halted

The cancellation of controversial flawed land leases in Papua New Guinea has been halted, leaving traditional landowners unsure of when they will get their land back.

Source: ABC Australia

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logging & oil palm operations in Tring village of Turubu in East Sepik Province: destructive and illegal

Source: Jimmy Kalebe

The latest logging and oil palm operations in Tring village of Turubu in East Sepik Province were claimed by landowners as destructive, unbeneficial and illegal.

The claims come after proper procedures were not followed, no real benefits shared among landowners and consent was not sought through the immediate landowners before trespassing into customary land by the logging company.

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Photo Caption: The Wewak State of the Art Stadium

Source: "Red Soil"

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East Sepik Carvers not happy with SABL Land Theft

Picture: A cultural carving from East Sepik, Papua New Guinea

Source: "Red Soil"

Carvers of the East Sepik Province are greatly very saddened and disgusted to learn of the PNG Government’s facilitation of the theft of 5 million hectares of land, under the Special Agriculture Business Leases (SABL) scam.

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