Model of Development Campaign Updates

 World Bank’s New Scheme to Privatize Land Exposed

Source: Oakland Institute

In advance of the release of the World Bank’s 2019 Enabling the Business of Agriculture (EBA) report, the Oakland Institute exposes the Bank’s new scheme to privatize land in the developing world.

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PNG failing to confront human rights issues - HRW

Image: Foreign Minister Rimbink Pato, Prime Minister Peter O'Neill and Chinese President Xi Jinping at the APEC leaders summit in Port Moresby last year. PNG's PM has faced criticism for spending on the meeting. Photo: APEC Papua New Guinea Media team

Issues of corruption and land grabbing figure high in Human Rights Watch assessemnt of PNG

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Rising tide of opposition to large-scale mining in PNG

PNG Mine Watch

Opposition to large-scale mining in Papua New Guinea is becoming more and more visible as communities become much more vocal in expressing their anger and disapproval.

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Civil society petitions China to stop illegal logging in PNG

As Papua New Guinea prepares to welcome Chinese President Xi Jinping, civil society, landowners and academics have written to the Chinese leader urging his help to reduce illegal logging in PNG.

China is the major importer of tropical logs from PNG most of which are sourced from illegal sources including from SABL lease areas.

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Foreign miners guilty of double standards

International Mining Companies have Colonial and Racist Double Standards

Source: Papua New Guinea Mine Watch

A case study comparing the performance of Canadian mining companies in their home country to their performance overseas has found dramatic double standards.

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Landowners petition to stop logging in Turubu and Sausso LLGs

More than 230 leaders and other clan members from the Ibab, Tring Wau, Kamasau and Murai villages in the Turubu and Sausso LLG areas of East Sepik say they are opposing any further and logging activities in their forests. They are petitioning all appropriate authorities to completely stop what they say is continuous illegal logging activity on their land. 

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SPICES: The Forgotten Commodity


Originally aired on EMTV's Olsem Wanem program, SPICES: The Forgotten Commodity is a short film on the potential of the spice industry in Papua New Guinea.

Although small now, the industry has the potential to earn the country more than K100 million a year. What it lacks though is any proper government support.

Despite this neglect, spices are a perfect example of how ordinary people can use their customary land for small and medium sized businesses that sustain their families and develop their communities.

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Logging industry depriving PNG of millions in gov't revenues

Foreign owned logging companies could be defrauding the country of hundreds of millions of dollars in tax revenues and ACT NOW! is calling for a moratorium on any further logging licences until there is a full and transparent investigation and the cancellation of all illegal SABL leases.

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Originally aired on EMTV's Olsem Wanem program, LIQUID GOLD is a short documentary film on the potential of the honey industry in Papua New Guinea.

The honey industry is a perfect example of how ordinary people can use their customary land for small and medium sized businesses that sustain their families and develop their communities.

Such enterprises also support the national economy, reduce our dependence on foreign imports and help make Papua New Guinea a strong, vibrant and independent nation.

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