
PNG in no rush to crack down on Asian logging giants

PHOTO: Local landowners in Bewani, north-west PNG, inspect the damage from logging to one of their creeks. (ABC: Eric Tlozek)

By Eric Tlozek, ABC News

Papua New Guinea's government has indicated it will allow intensive logging under the pretext of agricultural development to continue.

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New law creating an ICAC passes first vote by Parliament

Last week Parliament approve the first reading of a new law to create an Independent Commission Against Corruption.

This is the second and final piece of legislation needed in the process of establsihing an ICAC. The first legal change, amending the Constitution, was passed in November 2013.

Two further readings are still required before the Bill will become law.

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K130 million belonging to logging communities is missing

Communities across the country that have given up their forests for logging are missing out on promised infrastructure development because K130 million held by the government has disappeared…

Source: Post Courier

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We Took Part In An Australian Aid Program. It Was More About Helping Your Country Than Ours

By Aminio David and Anita Tenkon, published in New Matilda

Advocates for traditional landowners in Vanuatu, Aminio David and Anita Tenkon were left disillusioned by an Australian aid program. Here, they explain why.

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Juffa queries funding

SABL forest clearance in Pomio, East New Britain. Image: Greenpeace

Source: The National

Northern Governor Gary Juffa has called on Forest Minister Douglas Tomuriesa to explain the findings of the special agriculture business lease (SABL) inquiry.

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'Struggling' Papua New Guinea should not be burdened with refugees, says Gillian Triggs

Papua New Guinea is a developing country that continues to struggle for its own people and yet we continue to accept the notions of devleoped countries, who push thier problems under our (PNG) carpets. When we begin to serve the rights of Papua New Guinean's then and only then will we be economically developed enough to service others.

Source: ABC News

Human Rights Commission president Gillian Triggs has criticised moves to resettle refugees on Papua New Guinea, describing the country as struggling.

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Post Courier peddling logging industry false propaganda

Source: PNG exposed blog

We are all used to reading logging industry propaganda in The National, after all it is owned by Malaysian logging giant and infamous human rights abuser, Rimbunan Hijau. But now the Post Courier has found itself caught up peddling forestry industry misinformation.

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Mr Tate: Here is your illegal logging

Just to clarify on Bob Tate's impression of little illegal logging occuring in Papua New Guinea. Here it is....

Source: PNG Exposed blog

Forest Industry Association spokesperson Bob Tate says there is no illegal logging in PNG - but he is wrong, as these Manus islanders clearly articulate...

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PNG's poor Forest Minister twenty-five years out of date

Forest Minister Douglas Tomuriesa seems to be living in the past and to be unaware of all the current problems in the forestry sector in PNG

The Minister has gone public, see below, claiming all the issues of illegal and unsustainable logging in PNG have been dealt with starting in 1991 with the passing of the Forestry Act and establishment of the PNG Forest Authority.

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Papua New Guinea government hosts talks on forest protection while turning a blind eye to multi- million dollar illegal logging operations in its own backyard

Source: Global Witness

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