
Politicians and business at the centre of organised crime

The dark side of economic globalisation: politics, organised crime and corruption in the Pacific

By Sinclair Dinnen and Grant Walton on DevPolcy Blog

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SABL warrior wins international human rights award in New York

Paul Pavol, with MP Gary Juffa, at a protest outside the Rainforest Summit in Sydney

Mr. Paul Pavol, from the Pomio District of East New Britain, has been awarded the Alexander Soros Foundation Award for Environmental and Human Rights Activism at a ceremony in New York city.

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Supreme Court condemns oppressive SABL agreements

Ninety-nine year SABL leases issued to logging and oil palm companies have been condemned as "oppressive" and unfair by the Supreme Court.

The comments came in a decision endorsing the findings of the National Court that the SABL lease over Portion 144C in the East Sepik Province was null and void and all logging and oil palm planting was illegal.

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Rimbunan Hijau tells communities human rights impede their development

RH Consultant and ex Managing Director of the PNG Forest Authority, Kanawi Pouru, addresses villagers in the Pomio district

SABL Story Project*

PNG’s largest logging company and multi-sector business group is telling rural communities that human rights and sustainable business principles impede rural development and should be ignored if people want to get rich.

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Experimental seabed mining a threat to at least ten Provinces

As much as half of the whole of Papua New Guinea could be impacted by potentially destructive experimental seabed mining operations.

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Govt's Development Strategic Plan undermines our Constitution

Papua New Guinea's Development Strategic Plan for 2010-2030 undermines the principles in our Constitution and will lead to further inequality and poverty if government departments continue its implementation.

That is the conclusion drawn in a study undertaken by University of Papua New Guinea academic, Patrick Kaiku on behalf of the community advocacy group ACT NOW!

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Singapore corruption case emphasizes need for Australian government to do more

The recent corruption case in Singapore involving former Prime Minister Michael Somare emphasises the need for Australia to do much more to crack down on money laundering from PNG.

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Dirty SABL Palm Oil to hit the International Market

The oil palm mill at Dirina in Pomio

SABL Story Project*

Who would think that a responsible government, whose income is dependent on tax revenue would allow one of our major export crop to be smeared with more dirt? 

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Michael Somare received US$784,000 in corruption scam


The Singapore court has found Somare received over US$750,000 in corrupt payments and authorities have frozen his Singapore bank account

Couple jailed in US$3.6m money laundering case involving ex-Papua New Guinea PM

Source: Amir Hussain – Straits Times

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Another SABL falls - this time in East Sepik

Court upholds SABL ruling

Source: Daphne Wani in The National (owned by logging company Rimbunan Hijau)

THE Supreme Court has upheld a lower court’s decision of 2014 despite a judicial review application by Sepik Oil Palm Plantation Ltd over a Special Agricultural and Business Lease (SABL).

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