
Namah: What is in the 'National Interest'?

By The Hon. Belden Namah, MP

I am now convinced that the Somare Government does not consider the interests of local people or the country to be of any importance. 

Increasingly, decisions that negatively affect every citizen are being made by this Government that are justified because they say they are in the ‘National Interest’.  In fact, these decisions are only in the interest of the political elite and the robber companies that the Somare Government is now attracting to steal from Papua New Guinea’s resources.  

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Anti-dumping campaign defies government

By Ash Pemberton*

The fight against the dumping of toxic waste off the coast of Madang in Papua New Guinea suffered a setback when a court injunction against the Ramu nickel mine, which is building a pipe to dump its waste into the ocean, was reversed.

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Govt closing its eyes to the people and putting foreign interests first

From Ramu Nickel Mine Watch

Former Forest Minister, MP Belden Namah, has spoken out about the Ramu mine waste dumping issue which he says reflects the fact the government is weak and has been captured by foreign investors and is failing to put the interests of the people first.

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Reminding ourselves about our Constitution

By Steven Winduo* 

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Rhetoric and reality: Millennium Development Goals

By Jo Chandler, The Age

THE clock is ticking in New York. It's a large, illuminated clock in Times Square, not far from the United Nations headquarters, where 140 world leaders and countless development activists gathered this week to evaluate progress on promises they made 10 years ago to make the world a better place.

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Remember giants fall easily in Papua New Guinea

By Dr Kristian Lasslett*

In Madang, a case which aims to stop mine tailings from being dumped into Astrolabe Bay stands on a precipitous peak. Three landowners have withdrawn from the trial, while another seeks to be joined. Punctuating this court room drama are threats and under the table deals, as the mine operator attempts to lambast its project through to production.

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Trouble in paradise as Pacific falls behind in global fight against poverty

By Barry Coates, Oxfam* 

For most of us, the Pacific means exotic islands where the people are happy, beaches are lined with coconut palms and there is a unique genetic sequence for rugby players.

In many ways the Pacific has huge wealth - natural resources, cultural diversity and resilient, capable people. These are vital ingredients for a decent standard of living for all.

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Celebrate while asking Questions - reflections of 35 years of Independence

By Effrey Dademo

The red, black and gold, with a touch of the bird of paradise flew for the first time on Independence Hill, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea on 16th September 1975. I was 6 months old, and, I had no idea what had just happened! 

Papua New Guinea will celebrate 35 years of Nationhood today - 16th September 2010.

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VIDEO: What Independence means to me

We have problems. We have difficulties.  But we are a country that can still  make choices.

In this video, Students from the Divine Word University in Madang, Papua New Guinea, talk about what it means to be an independent country and to be Papua New Guinean.  

It is a  land worth fighting for! 

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Better Prosperity Pathways than Mining

BY ALEX HARRIS (via PNG Attitude)

MINING IS AN unsustainable industry globally, but it is especially unsustainable in a developing nation like PNG.

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