Stop the Stealing

Illegal Logging and Corruption suffocates Development

Mr. Nicholas Booth / UNDP Resident Representative in Papua New Guinea.*

On Saturday, December 9, 2023 we marked International Anti-Corruption Day. This year, the day was dedicated to raising awareness of the link between anti-corruption and sustainable development. That remains a relevant issue in Papua New Guinea.

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Increase in SIP fund but service delivery poor

The National | January 11, 2024 

The amount of funding pumped into the Government’s Service Improvement Programmes (SIP) has increased dramatically, yet service delivery has been a matter of great concern, University of Papua New Guinea School of business and Public Policy economics lecturer Maholopa Laveil spoke to reporter Jesher Tilto about Sip funds in the country.

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More Money for Districts Despite Lack of Accountability

The Member for Chuave, James Nomane, raised a critical point in Parliament about the size of the national budget and the lack of visibility of any meaningful impact on ground. 

The MP later said he will not apologize for calling the Treasurer out just before the passing of the supplementary budget, as it was necessary for him to criticize the budget to promote responsible governance, transparency, equitable allocation of resources and address the economic challenges.

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District Plans and Budgets still Missing

The initiative by the Department of Implementation and Rural Development (DIRD) in setting up the Bilum Digital Platform is commendable. A step in the right direction in promotion greater transparency and accountability in our public expenditure. Development partners especially AUSAid should be thanked as well for funding the Initiative.

The issue of corruption is huge in PNG especially when dealing with government funds and deprive the rights of citizens to have access to basic health and education services, particularly the majority of our rural population.

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No to SIP fund increase

The National | Editorial | 5.09.2023

The Prime Minister James Marape has intimated to various audiences that the District Service Improvement (DSIP) fund will be increased from the current K10 million per open electorate to K20 million.

We presume naturally that the other two services improvement programmes at the provincial and local level government (LLG) will also be doubled.

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Half of 2023 gone and 84 Districts yet to provide their Development Plans

This year, a huge K1.8 billion has been allocated to 93 Districts through the District Service Improvement (DSIP) and District Infrastructure Programs (DIP) by the Marape-Rosso government.

Already though, more than half of the year is gone, yet there is no way to know how these monies are being spent, as most Districts have no road map in the form of a District Development Plan.

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How to Comment on Your DDA.

Users of the DDA Watch website are encouraged to upload comments about the performance of individual District Development Authorities for display on the relevant DDA page. Steps to make a comment on your DDA

Step 1: Find the right page for your DDA. Go to the “Find and Score your DDA” search button on the homepage.

You will land on your District page. (All 93 district has a district landing page. Exclusive of AROB) Below is the landing page for North Waghi DDA.

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How to score your DDA on DDA Watch Website

The DDA watch website has a DDA rating system that includes a rating score for each DDA and a ranking table for the top five DDA on the home page. The rating score assesses the performance of each DDA against a number of fixed criteria and incorporates a public satisfaction element.

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