Model of Development

Agriculture can tackle law and order issues.

Phillip Ukuni| The National | Letters | 24.08.2023

Agriculture way forward to minimize law and order issues.

The above heading is one of the dailies by the Agriculture Minister during his recent visit to East New Britain to carry awareness on the coca and cocoa production hosted by Coca Board of Papua New Guinea is spot on in addressing lawlessness, unemployment, economic well-being and prosperity for our citizens.

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Blame Politicians, Not Public Servants

The National | Editorial, August 15, 2023

The public service is much aligned as a huge creature of pre-independence origin with tentacles reaching into every part of this country and affecting every aspect of life. 

It is said this gigantic creature gobbles up a third of the national budget.

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The Wrong Model of Development

According to the PNG Chamber of Mines, PNG relies heavily on resource extraction and foreign aid and development assistance to deliver economic growth, promote social development and address pressing issues of poverty, healthcare, education, and infrastructure development. 

But this analysis is self-serving and ignores economic and social realities.

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Consider the Environment

PC: Janelle Lugg (Getty_PNG Pomio) 

John Maine | The National | Letters | 1.08.2023

Papua New Guinea is blessed with a beautiful landmass with a wide range of virgin rainforest covering thousands of square kilometers. 

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Open Letter to the Prime Minister on log exports and downstream processing

This is the text of an Open Letter to the Prime Minister published by ACT NOW in the Post Courier newspaper.

Dear Prime Minister,

ACT NOW! is an advocacy organization that promotes a “gut pela sindaun blong olgeta” – a just and equitable society for all Papua New Guineans.

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Corruption- who is to blame?

Post Courier Editorial

Are the voters responsible for the corruption in the country?

Health Minister and Member for Wabag Dr Lino Tom seems to think so and he is partly right in his public statement on the matter in this newspaper last month.

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Lending companies providing millions to companies involved in destructive rainforest logging

In the last eight years, two finance companies and one equipment retailer have provided financing to at least 15 companies that are logging in PNG’s rainforests, new research by Act Now! and Jubilee Australia reveals. 

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Landowners 'conned into giving land away'

Ramu BlocK 3 FMA. Source: Facebook.

The National | Letters | By Maus blo Garamut, Madang (May 4th 2023)

SINCE last year, the Papua New Guinea Forest Authority’s (PNGFA) Project Acquisition branch has been working to acquire forest areas in Madang and around the country.

And in this process, the rights of the landowner have been trampled on.

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